I’d guess pride colors, depictions of Blahaj (that IKEA shark that’s popular among trans folks), stuff of the sorts. Stuff that right wingers get offended by.
I’d guess pride colors, depictions of Blahaj (that IKEA shark that’s popular among trans folks), stuff of the sorts. Stuff that right wingers get offended by.
Zortch is a neat one, less Quake and more early 2000s FPS feel. Pre-Doom 3, pre-HL2 in gameplay, but with the style of comedy and charm you’d get out of a Shiny Entertainment game. Very much a solo labor of love, and it’s only like $5 if memory serves me right.
Get Vikas Music, he’s based enough to put it to eurobeat.
Swear to fuck, don’t give them ideas.
Oh I use it as an ADHD management tool! All the organization and productivity stuff of a smartphone with none of the distractions or dark patterns. Mine is a Sony PEG-UX50, top of the line for 2003 and distinctly 2000s Sony in appearance, function, and annoyances.
Heck, I’ve got it on both my android phone and my Palm PDA. Worth having it on both.
Begone, ad
It’s a 3rd person shooter where the hacking and slashing are necessary for gaining health back, if memory serves me right. Get in there, get aggressive, curbstomp a motherfucker and gain health back.
One named DOGE because meeeeeeeeeeeeemz.
Glory be to Vandora.
It’s a 512x512 resolution texture in a game from 1998 back when 480p was standard and 320p was still pretty common. It was very important that you saw those breats.
Ah man, that’s a video I haven’t thought of in ages! I think I first saw it when an old friend linked me to professional Funny Thing Unfunny-er, RayWilliamJohnson reacting to it.
Just for gits 'n shiggles or something along the lines?
Corrected, thanks.
Unrelated, but genuine curiosity - Why the usage of the thorn eth rather than spelling the word “the” out? Ain’t bothered by it or nothin’, just interesting to see out in the wild online!
No that’s the one made extinct by feral cats, but that’s a different episode of Tom Scott’s Citation Needed than the one where I learned about the bird I was thinking of. Completely forgot that’s where I’d heard about it!
The bird I had in mind is the Great Auk, which was mentioned in a separate episode of Citation Needed lol
From Wikipedia: "The last pair, found incubating an egg, was killed there on 3 June 1844, on request from a merchant who wanted specimens.[56][c]
Jón Brandsson and Sigurður Ísleifsson, the men who had killed the last birds, were interviewed by great auk specialist John Wolley,[59] and Sigurður described the act as follows:
The rocks were covered with blackbirds [guillemots] and there were the Geirfugles ... They walked slowly. Jón Brandsson crept up with his arms open. The bird that Jón got went into a corner but [mine] was going to the edge of the cliff. It walked like a man ... but moved its feet quickly. [I] caught it close to the edge – a precipice many fathoms deep. Its wings lay close to the sides – not hanging out. I took him by the neck and he flapped his wings. He made no cry. I strangled him.[8]: 82–83
I’m struggling to remember the details, but I recall one account where somebody found a very rare, very endangered bird with its nest, strangled the bird and smashed the eggs within the nest, effectively just for shits and giggles. I’ll edit and update this if I can find the details.
Edit: The Great Auk. Wasn’t killed for shits and giggles, but they were desired for their down to the point the European populations were hunted into extinction. From Wikipedia:
The last pair, found incubating an egg, was killed there on 3 June 1844, on request from a merchant who wanted specimens.[56][c]
Jón Brandsson and Sigurður Ísleifsson, the men who had killed the last birds, were interviewed by great auk specialist John Wolley,[59] and Sigurður described the act as follows:
The rocks were covered with blackbirds [guillemots] and there were the Geirfugles … They walked slowly. Jón Brandsson crept up with his arms open. The bird that Jón got went into a corner but [mine] was going to the edge of the cliff. It walked like a man … but moved its feet quickly. [I] caught it close to the edge – a precipice many fathoms deep. Its wings lay close to the sides – not hanging out. I took him by the neck and he flapped his wings. He made no cry. I strangled him.[8]: 82–83
Wishing you the best of luck regardless, mate. You aren’t alone in this.
But what if I wanna feel like one of those hip young old folks from the soda commercial?