I’d send thoughts and prayers, but thoughts and prayers are out of network.
I’d send thoughts and prayers, but thoughts and prayers are out of network.
It may be just the selection of the current drive you’re in? Does it show an x on another drive when you select it?
I can’t recommend Garuda because they have somehow configured their sddm to not want to work with other desktop environments. Admin on the forums said it themselves. I’d recommend arcolinux because it doesn’t shove you into such restraints. Installation is a simple menu to install everything right away.
I just disagree with softening the word by adding “soft” at the beginning. A soft coup is a coup. Date rape is still rape, candy-corn-murder is still murder. No need to add prefixes to try and categorize them, and artificially make some sort of hierarchy.
By naming it any less than a coup, and holding all coups to the same standard, it’s an attempt to soften it, and I am against that.
A federal prosecutor has always dedicated her career to building “internment camps” but a literal coup that led to several deaths was “soft”?
I don’t see “attempted a coup when she lost an election and still denies losing to this day” so my mind is still set.
You can search themes yourself in the settings. I’m sure windows 7 is an option.
Pop off king
It’s common for windows updates to delete boot parts or Linux, corrupt grub, etc. That is only when windows and Linux are installed on the same drive together. I have yet to see Windows corruping Linux on a separate drive entirely. Never happened to me despite how much I mess up my grub updates distro hop.
I’d recommend having the Linux drive unplugged during the windows installation. Windows, for some reason, will install the boot loader in an entirely different drive than what you selected. There’s no question or prompt to prevent this. The only way to easily prevent this is to just have the one drive plugged in.
Windows 11’s TPM led me to believe I wouldn’t be able to upgrade my machine without windows thinking I need a new license, as it had happened for windows 11. I found a workaround but didn’t know if it would work for Windows 11 as well. I want to control my machine so I went with Linux.
As opposed to regular beauty pagents?
You only need 1/1 win to have a 100% success rate. Statistics can be deceiving.
But since every other candidate has never ran against Trump, that puts them at 0% and anything times 0 is 0, so Biden is infinitely more likely to beat Trump than any other candidate.
He has a record of winning primaries, which every other candidate has not.
He also has a 100% win rate when running against Trump.
Also, presidents don’t usually make their own decisions, they have a team of experts for their decisions. No matter if you’re 80+ he’s demonstrated he can listen and make appropriate decisions.
Also, all the talk about picking a new candidate can be summed up with “of course we should replace Biden with the universally accepted replacement list of 11+ candidates”
So we can’t really come to an agreement of who else it should be, and it seems like Biden has all that is needed. It ain’t broke, it’s just old. And if my 2003 Honda accord is anything to go by, some old things work just fine.
Websites can be vague, or outdated. Is there any error from running the command?
You got any of that evidence?
It was fun for me to switch. I had the same mentality as you had, I could’ve waited until windows 10 support ended to switch to Linux, but I decided to switch a few years ago and now I have years of experience.
You’ll definitely need to get used to hunting down that one single package you need to get the programs you want working. I find it nice to dedicate an evening to getting something working, and that’s fun for me. For example, I took an evening to get thumbnails working in “file Explorer” (it requires ffmpeg btw). You can be lazy with Arch, but it will take time to get it perfect. The problem with arch is you can make it to your standards. If you have low standards, you can get away with a lot.
Ah yes all those polls known for being so accurate.
Specifically polls related to “I would’ve voted if X”