i guess time to short it? seems like a bubble
i guess time to short it? seems like a bubble
still more work then just letting google handle it for them, so wont happen
afaik not really, only cell phone companies can apply to join the rcs federation and all of them just outsourced it to google and apple so it under control of just 2 companies.
so no, rcs is not an open standard.
How long till he talks about living space in the south?
Imho, the US is a case study that a 2 party system can’t stop fachism, only slow it down like explodicle wrote.
I sincerly wish you all over there the best of luck that you come out of this the other way without irreperable damage and hopefully more wisdom for the future. Europe needed 2 world wars till things got better and now here too things are declining.
Just today the radio told me that our conservative party in Germany is now flirting with the outright faschist party and droping straight up racist comments and I can only hope that our multi party system punishes them for this. But I might stand corrected soon because there might just be too many awful or misled people on this world …
Sorry it diverged into a general depressed rant over the rise of faschism completly disconnected from tacticle vs non tacticle voting.
context? did i miss reddit drama?
Good to see in memes that the devide an conquer stategy works even after the election. /s
nope, you can skip for the first account and then validate after the fact
create 2 proton mail account und use each other as a backup e-mail
If only he and his party was in power for some years and could have done something about it…
And when the laaaaast eagle fliiies, over the last crumbling montaaain!
Arch master race: you don’t have to replace defaults if nom defaults are isntalled in the first place and you choose everything our own anyways.
well arch defaults are just a terminal with very little tooling
Read the whole series
insert cursed mr incredible here
tl;dr the USA is not really a democracy, just as the founding fathers intended.
sad no element/matrix icon noises q.q