Do you realize you’re using their bandwidth, too? They have to pay for upload/download just like you do.
Do you realize you’re using their bandwidth, too? They have to pay for upload/download just like you do.
Can I ask why people act like YouTube is so evil for trying to make money off their site? They provide a service I value and it costs money to do so. No disrespect to anyone who doesn’t want to watch ads or pay (like I do, I use it a LOT) but I don’t understand why some people seem to be personally insulted by the idea that they can’t get it for free forever with no strings attached.
Honest question, please don’t flame me 🙏
Doesn’t seem like it’s working out so well for him on Brazil…
They got purchased by private equity not long ago.
Sounds like maybe they found more than popups when they investigated…
I’ve only had it really screw up once but it was really interesting. I was asking if to calculate the probability of something and it started calculating but got something basic wrong. In the same response, it apologized for that being wrong and started over, but made the same error. It kept looping through this while I watched. I thought it was kind of freaky it was aware it was fucking up but kept doing the same thing over and over. I’ve never seen it disagree with itself on the same response, either.
I eventually had to hit the button to stop the generation and sent logs.
I’m going to make the right but difficult choice here and not send this article to my friend who’s going on her first flight tomorrow on an Air France plane.
I spent ten seconds looking this up and it’s bullshit. The captions don’t match what he’s saying, he doesn’t mention nuclear weapons at all.
On Android, chrome has an option to add any page to your home screen which makes it function like an app. That’s what I’m doing.
RVUs are supposed to measure how much work something takes, so it’s literally just paying someone based on how much work they do. If you’re not actually doing the work, or are doing work that shouldn’t be done, that’s certainly a problem, but I don’t think RVUs existing is a problem in and of itself.