That would then be an entirely different situation?
You are describing a one party state. Kind of optimistic to assume that if you manage to hand all of the power to one organization, with no real opposition, that it won’t be corrupted (more than it already is).
we prefer the term “sui generis geopolitical entity” ;)
10 years ago people would write “this^” without a trace of irony on Reddit. So you are kinda ruining the experience by being semi-ironic.
You can just find them in game as you play. It is pretty fun, but you probably won’t have all of them yet. At least I’m only about 1/3 of the way.
The problem is locking rewards behind them that some players apparently feel like they absolutely need to play the game.
Option 1: Create complicated system which loads information about other players on demand, being careful that certain information must always be preloaded before it is needed to prevent lags, while different information can wait for a network request. Must consider the implications of increased network chatter on server load.
Option 2: Just load all the stuff.
No because the population is not even close to being uniformly distributed geographically.
Because you don’t fix everything by killing one bad guy. Not even in simplistic video game worlds. Especially not in the world of Diablo which thematically deals with the eternal conflict between good and evil.
I get the impression that some of these people were expecting that Diablo 4 was going to allow them to build a meaningful and fulfilling life around playing it at least 4 hours everyday 7 days per week. And now they are desperately sad and angry and having an existential crisis.
Chill people usually don’t go straight to waving their constitutional rights in other people’s faces at the first sign of any minor disagreement.
RIP everyone who doesn’t live exactly on the ecliptic.
The amount of time which the sun shines has very little to do with half of 24 hours most of the year where I live.
According to an unsourced claim on Wikipedia, “repetition is the essential comedic device”
Hire someone to manage my money.
Identically named does not imply identical. Could be totally different communities with the same name. Or there could be subtle but important differences.
Likewise differently named does not imply that two communities are not essentially the same.
Having some form of grouping could be an idea that might be useful to some. I imagine different people would like it to function in different ways.
But it is entirely orthogonal to naming. At the end of the day abc@instance1 is a different name than abc@instance2.
because it is accurate to how things actually work
Because not everybody has been obsessively playing this game since launch. Some might come back to the game after dropping it 1/4th of the way through the campaign. Some have just bought the game now. They will want to know that they can just start a seasonal character and complete the campaign on it.
“Hundred” in Germanic Europe used to be 120 before the Romans came and introduced their “century” with a value of 100. This is still known as “the long hundred”
12, 60, 120, 360 are the first superior highly composite numbers.
These number divides neatly into integer parts in many ways for their size.
They are also the basis of many pre decimal counting systems, some of which are still around. 360 degrees in a circle. 12 hours in a day.
The Babylonian’s used base 60. We still do for time as you pointed out. The minute refers to a minute(as in small) part of something. The “second” is the “second minute”. Ie a minute divided into minutes. This system is also used for geodetic cordinates. Where we have arc minutes and seconds.
Sorry about deleting the post. Couldn’t remeber if beehaw was one of the instances with rules again dissenting opinions after some time away from Lemmy (I’m pretty sure there was one which would rather be without).
But I think you managed to quote most of it.
Being wanted/needed should be viewed in relation to everything else you could do with the resources available is my point. Not only your particular hobby/interest.
And I still maintain that if you want pure art, you are better off lowering your expectations for professionalism and find people who do it for reasons that are not financial.