Goddamnit I just ate and now this is making me hungry again lol
Goddamnit I just ate and now this is making me hungry again lol
I’m not normally the kind of person that takes pleasure in seeing others fail. At least I try not to be.
I really want to see Steve Huffman fail though
I had to look up what AWTOK is and now I have to live with the knowledge that such a community exists…
Was he obviously not a golfer?
No one did stuff like that when I was in school. That may have more to do with how long ago I was in school, or just the part of the US I went to school in lol
One of the punk girls bit me on the nipple when I was a senior in highschool in 1998. That was apparently her thing
Does that count?
I was hoping someone said this one lol Super Metroid was so good even my mom and my aunt got hooked on it right along with me!
Reddit will be fine in the short term sure, but anyone who actually gave enough of a shit to put in the effort needed for it to work well have left or stated that they will no longer do anything more than the bare minimum. Reddit will still be around for a while, but it will never be the same place it was, and eventually will just become irrelevant as it’s overrun with trolls and scammers. I give it 3 - 5 more years before it disappears without fanfare and no one will care.
So you mean Reddit gives mods a bunch of worthless garbage, er I mean “moon tokens”, and then it’s up to the mods to convince someone else that it’s worth something and trick them into buying it?
That just makes me even more glad I’m not there anymore lol
Reddit isn’t ever going to pay anyone to mod a sub. They’ll drag all of this out until the IPO and then sell off the whole site to the highest bidders who will probably scrap it all and turn it into a new TikTok app or something.
By that time Steve Huffman will be on a private beach somewhere not giving a single fuck about what happens to all the redditors who made him rich
It looks like an interesting article, however I couldn’t read it due to 75% of the screen being taken up by ads that could not be closed. I managed to read a paragraph before they covered up pretty much the whole rest of the article