Yeah, pretty much all of us fit in that range.
I easily fit in more with millennials than my brothers do. My oldest brother acts a lot more like Gen x than the rest of us.
Some IT guy, IDK.
Yeah, pretty much all of us fit in that range.
I easily fit in more with millennials than my brothers do. My oldest brother acts a lot more like Gen x than the rest of us.
I’ve met some people that are that fucking stupid.
It’s incredible to me that they manage to put on pants and get to work on time each morning.
I’m near the start of the millennial generation, my older brothers are Gen x and more in-between than I am. There’s about 5-6 years between all of us and we represent two generations in varying degrees.
Ehh. They mostly rode the coattails of the boomers. I dunno if I can reasonably get angry at them for taking advantage of the opportunity that the boomers made for them to prosper.
It’s the boomers that own, and frequently still run the companies that are ruining the economy. That’s for fucking sure. Gen x just got a free ride.
Of all the people I know, the Gen x are the most likely to just be coasting through life because they were downright given all the opportunities and never really struggled for much.
I just upgraded to a Xeon E5 v4 processor.
I think the max RAM on it is about 1.5 TiB per processor or something.
It’s not new, but it’s not that old either. Still cost me a pretty penny.
I think I’ve already watched this. Interesting stuff.
Pretty much everything gets it wrong in stone capacity. Some get very close, but fall short of representing radio in reality.
Just don’t.
As a qualified amateur operator, I’ll just say: that problem isn’t exclusive to die hard movies, nor die hard 1.
I had to stop playing when I saw the review for AC 3 (I think) from Zero punctuation.
He pointed out that the quests were almost entirely “gofer” quests… You know, you go over there and get that, then go fer that other thing and go…
I started the game not long after and I have to say, he was right. And every time I was given a quest to go somewhere only to talk to someone with little to no reason for doing so other than, I have nothing better to do in the game… When that happened, I heard his voice in my head talking about how annoying gofer quests were.
It annoyed me, and I stopped playing as a result. Never got past the first chapter.
Why was the pineapple discarded?
They don’t need AI for this.
I recall that at least one website was having a transparent object follow the cursor around with a link to an ad in the invisible window. No matter where you clicked, ad.
Why waste all the electricity on trying to predict it, when you can get the same effect by simply snapping the ad link right to the cursor in a transparent window.
Bob wasn’t denying anything.
He just wanted the people who were getting treatment to have insurance so the hospital can get paid.
In this context, I’m sure if someone was denied coverage, his attitude on it would be the same as his attitude on people who are not insured.
AFAIK he would have had no say on whether someone was denied coverage. He did however, have a say on whether they were denied care. His professional attitude about that was “show them the door” but that policy was rarely ever actually enforced, and the few times it was, he complained that everyone did what he was telling them to.
Given who is about to be sworn into office, I’m not sure too much progress will happen, but people will certainly get an idea of how much they’re getting fucked.
Maybe after the next election?
I hate that most vehicles are some derivation of truck/van; that most vehicles increase in size for no good reason.
Not only that, but consumers but this shit in droves. Significantly more than alternative and more fuel efficient vehicles.
This annoys me because I’m a bit of a “car guy”, as in, I like cars, I think they’re interesting and a demonstration of excellent engineering… Most of the time.
I don’t think everyone needs a truck, or SUV, or van, or minivan, or… IDK what they’re making now? Crossover? APC? Whatever.
For some people, that makes sense. But most people can trade in their SUV or F150 for a focus, fiesta, or fusion, and they would be well served in doing so. They would pay less for gas and insurance, and they would be able to fit into parking spaces. And that’s just talking about Ford vehicles.
Meanwhile, Ford doesn’t even make most of those vehicles anymore because everyone bought up their SUV/crossover/truck/whatever shit in much larger numbers so they just stopped caring.
This is saying nothing about hybrid, BEV, or HEV products.
Then, to top it all off, most people who live in cities, don’t even need a car, they just need the city to have architecture and designs that are built for use by people (not cars), and a public transit system that isn’t an absolute nightmare.
Ok, I’ll get off my soap box. All this shit just sets me off.
The problem isn’t just plastics.
I have many things built with plastics that are rather durable and of good quality.
The root issue is cost savings. When you try to save costs by reducing the total amount of materials used for the structure and frame of a thing to the minimum level, you end up with garbage products that are literally designed to fail because of how cheaply they’re being produced.
Sure, plastics are not as structural as other materials like aluminum, steel, iron, etc… But if they’re used correctly, they can contribute to the overall durability of the product. When used incorrectly they can severely detract from the same.
The system is working as designed.
Capitalism is built to reward those with money and punish those without. Everyone in-between is leeched for all that they’re worth by the people that control and hold nearly all of the money.
Over a long enough timeline, nearly all people fall into either the “in-between” category or the “without” category, while the people who hold the vast majority of the wealth become a smaller and smaller group of dictator-like individuals.
There is no democracy in the workplace.
The system is working as designed.
So, is your wife single?
Being stupid enough to think that profit driven companies will take on practices that cause people to use their product so they can turn a profit?
This. The social Justice warriors that are peddling the cultural appropriation line are not representative of the culture or the people of that culture, their opinions, or feelings on the matter.
What we, as a society, need to do, is let cultures be offended when they feel offended, and not assume that they will be offended by something that we think they should be offended by.
Short version is: don’t be offended on behalf of someone else.
You don’t know them. You don’t know their culture. You don’t know what they see as offensive.
Stop assuming you do.