Sound like you’re making up stories
Sound like you’re making up stories
Lol, you’re right, Nazism sucks, and they killed a lot of people to justify how they’re better than everyone else.
I for one believe that she needs more than a good dickin’
But if the personalities of alt right men are as candid as every example I’ve ever seen, id say that there is a good probability that there ain’t no dickin’
But alt right men are treating alt right women poorly!!!
They were killed because of reports? Lol
Won’t somebody think of the children! Lol
Yup and that’s exactly what people do lol.
If by very different you mean exactly the same
Linux soy boys gonna soy
Lol, or we just use the computer and don’t cry about stupid bullshit
Except people go out of their way to disable updates anyways lol
It’s totally different because Linux!
So angry
Oh no! Lol
Except I used Cortana all the time on my windows phone before they trashed that idea
Hurr dürr Linux improves me cognitive mental gymnastics skills deep.
You’re already compromised