Is it only me or does Putin look really bad in this photo? I mean he seems unhealthy and in addition to that he looks like he aged 10 years in just 2. Amazing speedrun.
Is it only me or does Putin look really bad in this photo? I mean he seems unhealthy and in addition to that he looks like he aged 10 years in just 2. Amazing speedrun.
I’m absolutely not denying those changes, quite the contrary. It’s just another anomaly that our winters became a lot warmer and summers colder (not always though). It looks like we’re losing seasons completely. I remember winters here where we had snow for 2 or even 3 months, while now I’m not sure if we had at least 2 weeks of snow last “winter”.
Meanwhile, in southern Poland, I think we had one of the coldest springs lately, and only several really hot days of summer so far.
Right now we have barely 22 - 23C here. I’m not complaining in general, but I wouldn’t mind temperatures ~5 degrees higher and more sun.
It’s completely beyond me. Bethesda fanboys had to be on some hard as shit copium to nominate it.