Still might be worth it to check that you’re not missing any kernel modules.
Still might be worth it to check that you’re not missing any kernel modules.
That’s a weird issue. Do you have encryption on by any chance? I had a similar error pop-up when I didn’t have the correct systems hooks for the kernel so that after install update of kernel would make the system not boot.
True. Unfortunately it seems like the shuttle design is not as perfoment as the traditional rockets. Maybe when we have orbital platforms.
The space shuttle is very photogenic 🤷
Hard agree. Cocaine bear was such a fun movie!
Nice :) For some reason I’m not able to install it via obtainium.
Hopefully it’ll stay that way. Otherwise there is EAP I suppose. That’s what I do with webstorm.
For me it’s Sublime text. It’s blazingly fast and robust, but because it isn’t as popular as code and not open, there aren’t as many plugins. I honestly think that if it had been opensource, it would have captured the market share that vscose holds now.
Because they’re really different. People who don’t eat rice as a staple aren’t aware how much varieties there are and how different they taste. There are three specific varieties used just in my own house for lunch, breakfast dishes and dinner respectively.
Japanese or Thai rice are totally different in taste, consistency and texture.
It would be like trying to bake using whole wheat flour instead of refined flour.
Thank you :) I had switched to mulch in the interim but it’ll be nice to have a drop in replacement.
Glad you liked it :) It still has issues but the development is happening at breakneck pace. I’m planning on daily driving it once it goes beta.
I also have conflicting feelings about jetbrains IDEs. Does fleet have a community edition? I use pycharm sometimes but also hate it sometimes.
lapce is a vscode replacement that has all the sugar that people love and it’s blazingly fast. It’s still in alpha but I’m very hopeful for it’s future.
I mean not really because the computers in the farm at this point are recycled to be sold as seperate used units.
I have, though it ended up with that person disappearing and trying to commit suicide. It took me a long time to get over the associated trauma.
The way I see it now is that love isn’t something that will bind people to you and keep them with you forever. If you love someone, let them go, let them be free. If they still choose to be with you, then they love you too. If not, you couldn’t have held on to that person without causing resentment and pain to both of you.
I hope some of this helps :)
Lol I know what you mean. Looking at my audiobook catalogue gives me anxiety sometimes 🤣
It was, but not just that I’ve read somewhere that the book managed to influence the jury who was hearing the case because it was so popular.
Please share some pictures here :)
I finished the book on Endurance by Alfred Lansing which was pretty amazing. TGPEoAT sound pretty cool, will definitely be checking it out :) Thank you. Have you read In Cold Blood (?) by Truman Capote which is supposed to have basically started true crime as a genre?
Fingers crossed that she’s going to be well.
Anyone with more info or knowledge?