Other than meeting rooms, I’ve seen some with the little privacy pods too.
Other than meeting rooms, I’ve seen some with the little privacy pods too.
Marvel Snap serves up poorly hidden bot matches and penalizes you for leaving as well. For example, they “reset” the ranked ladder every month, but retain their hidden mmr, and people with a really high mmr are MORE likely to face bots, because the system is designed to align your rank with their MMR, but if you leave the match, you forfeit what is essentially an ante used to determine your rank. But everyone gets some bots, and the amount varies based on several things, basically all of them manipulative to the player and their rank system.
It feels like assuming a lot of positive intent to guess that the match against bots is so that people can learn rather than trying to feed them a dopamine hit so they don’t get discouraged and fuck off, but maybe I’m a cynic.
It also doesn’t have to be they all say he did it but don’t punish him, if someone is inclined to get nullification, they can also just push the reasonable doubt angle, poking holes in the prosecution’s case during jury deliberation that the prosecutor will then have no way to know to refute/defend against.
I guess some people’s point is that if the automated restrictions that come with those aren’t used maliciously or commonly problematic, it shouldn’t really be a big deal for it to exist. In fact, that they do exist is probably a good thing because it prevents amateurs from making potentially hazardous mistakes, given there really aren’t any other controls on who can operate them.
From the sound of your initial post, it sounded like you were primarily building your own to evade these automated restrictions, but I’m going to assume you’re more of an enthusiast and just don’t add those features to what you build, and you build things for that intrinsic joy and customizability. If true, I think given your level of familiarity and expertise, that feels generally reasonable.
So long as the doctor isn’t otherwise or unethically benefitting from the interaction, fully agreed.
So for 1, here’s a pretty explicit quote where he does speak out against the harassment “I call on everyone to reject harassment in all its forms.” @cynicalbrit (first comment).
Definitely unfortunate that while he was attempting to champion the cause for a discussion on ethics (which he had been involved with for years when that all happened), the mantle got co-opted by a bunch of terrible people. But at best I can only blame him for thinking he could right the ship at that point, and that’s not a large enough mistake for me to define him by.
He definitely didn’t “yell into camera”, both because he was just projecting his voice (I’m constantly confused when people can’t distinguish loud from yell) and most videos didn’t actually feature a camera shot. He was known for a lot more than his criticisms for devs for things like 30 FPS locks: he was an excellent color commentator for SC2, he prolifically provided coverage for indie games and was a huge consumer advocate.
As he relates to the topic at hand, he was a giant reliable source of gaming recommendations of his day and it’s disingenuous to suggest there haven’t historically been highly influential, reliable and quality creators to assist people in discovering games.
WAY better than anything we saw a decade or two ago.
I take offense to this on behalf of TotalBiscuit, otherwise carry on.
Maybe if they build a large wooden badger…
Graham’s Supreme Court
Sure, but for those that have to have it a long queue is better for them than no queue.
They could easily put a toggle on so people can choose to enable cross play, off by default. If console folks want to subject themselves to people using mice, that’s their own fault, and nobody who didn’t want to would need to play with them.
There might be other reasons for the delay that are more contractual in nature to get sorted out.
Check out MiniReview, I’ve had better luck there finding game of certain types that I’d enjoy.
Nobody even got to vote for this person this election cycle, that’s why your comment doesn’t fit in this discussion. You just went off on an unrelated talking point. This is a result of different failures of the democratic process than what you’re trying to start the discussion about.
Is your suggestion that people vote in the cancelled election differently? Even if there was an R to vote for, should they have voted for the outright R instead of being tricked?
Good job admitting you don’t know the meaning of the word, here I’ll help: Accident “2a: an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance"
He only realized he could no longer back out after he asked to cancel the sale when he realized all the work he’d need to do to move out.
He went beyond the point of no return without understanding or intending to have done so, that’s an accident.
Yep, even asked his agent if he could undo it after having signed all the papers.
Science Fiction is largely used as an allegory to explore the real human condition in a way that is parallel to political and cultural topics of the day without the inherent baggage that people would bring to exploring the real topic.
While the original quote and topic is about deploying a military as a policing force, it actually also holds true in the reverse as well, as policing forces shift towards an adversarial militarization against their community, leading directly to the issues you raised in the first comment about the failure of them to live up to the “protect and serve” motto.
While fictional events aren’t real, they are written by real people with views, desires and goals. Good writers will have internal consistency for their characters and try to ensure their external interactions have the authenticity of the ring of truth, because that’s how people will relate to the characters and story.
Good fiction is just a random meaningless story, it’s a platform for education and safe exploration of the real human condition.