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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • Hah, glad to hear that enthusiasm! Yes, the Grundregelwerk is free as a pdf. Uhrwerkverlag has the rest, don’t use Amazon or other resellers. To play I highly recommend Mondstahlklingen (Weapons, Armour, Equipment and Crafting - which is a really cool system) and Die Magie (Magic, duh). I’ll check which of the other books I use regularly once I get home. There are tons of regionalia (Zhoujiang is my favourite, it adds china made-in-china) as well as Die Welt (which gives a nice overview).

  • Heh, I feel that. If you are ~ fluent in German, I can recommend Splittermond. Classless, Levelless (there are 4 levels which only serve to limit the maximum you can achieve in each particular skill as well as roughly track progression/power levels) and with a well balanced and designed magic system - No 5E bullshit of “can this spell do that”. It also beautifully avoids the problem where occupying any portion of a niche restricts you to only that niche via attributes. Skills each have two attributes, so even if one is a dumpstat you can still use the skill. Weapons each have their own two attributes, making strength-less combat characters easy to build (aka some swords take agility and intuition, a mace may use constitution and strength). Magic is divided into 19 schools with overlapping spells and each school uses two attributes as well (Although all schools share the same first attribute) - and some schools straight up use CON or STR, so fighter mages are green to go. Disadvantage: Only in German.

  • Sheesh, I was trying to be vague so I wouldn’t have to justify my opinion :D I dislike spell slots and level based progression. I also think d20-based is the most boring dice-system, aside maybe from the very basic d100 “roll below your skill” (which is kind-of the same thing, but GMs keep forgetting to adjust the difficulty of the role). That is very much subjective and I understand that most people don’t mind. I appreciate the action economy, the very (VERY) well written rules - I am playing Shadowrun right now, and the editing and writing is atrocious - and I’d pick it over D&D any day.

  • Certainly not a computer expert, but consider the option that the battery on your motherboard might be running low. If the hardware itself is older, I would try swapping the button cell. I’ve seen many weird issues get resolved this way, although in theory it should not mess up anything but system time.

  • You seem to have misunderstood me: Right-wing politicians utilise various strategies to “identify” anti-semitic arab migrants (with very large quotation marks) by equating support for Palestina to anti-semitism. Is it stupid? Yes of course. Does that mean that all of Germany is practicing an arab-scare? Fuck no. Besides: it is not about “using force”. Regulations dictate that you have to previously register or at least announce any type of public assembly, especially demonstrations. It is not a huge crime if you don’t, but you will face a fine and it WILL be dissolved. That also holds for actually anti-semitic demonstrations, demonstrations organised by the AfD or other national-populistic parties, demos against vaccines etc. You have a right to demonstrate, but you have to follow certain guidelines. In this case you argue that it was not a demonstration as it was only one individual and I believe you are correct here. The whole thing could have probably been avoided by a) registering a proper demo and b) living in a nicer part of Germany (as stupid as that sounds, but some countries are definitely more strict and shitty than others when it comes to foreign-looking people). This way, all we did was provide a nice headline for people to get angry about. Well done.