I like the symmetry of “your cock my glock” better.
I like the symmetry of “your cock my glock” better.
Who said anything about solutions. Like I said, I am just asking questions here.
There is zero evidence for the Obama birther story, “The Big Lie” for the 2020 election, the Springfield Haitians, Kamala’s audio device earnings, or any other story the GOP tries to push. Since when is evidence really needed for them?
I mean I’m just asking questions here. If the implications make the GOP uncomfortable maybe they should address them.
I would agree that having someone else killed would be too far for it to be staged for most people. That said, I have seen no evidence that makes me think the GOP considers anyone who isn’t a billionaire or one of their mouthpieces a person.
To them, a random person in the crowd getting killed would just be a data point in their news story. Then just pack on a blood pack, and a fake bandage to sell it like wrestlemania 23.
I am firmly convinced, based solely on what the tinfoil hat whispers to me, that both of these “attempts” were funded by the GOP as an effort to drive media attention towards Trump.
After all, they have fully admitted to making up stories to get media attention. Is it really too far of a stretch to think that they would pay some poor sucker they view as disposable into being a threat in his general vicinity. The whole thing just feels like a media stunt from a wrestling promo.
Bofuri: I didn’t want to get hurt so I maxed out my defense
I can not agree more on Inscryption it is a phenomenal game. Additionally, I have thoroughly enjoyed everything that Daniel Mullins games have released thus far. They all have that same dark tone that really resonates with me, despite all being wildly different kinds of game.
I would imagine it would take a multi-level caste system, and generations of reinforcement combined with a prescribed dogmatic belief in processes (Think Warhammer 40k Adeptus Mechanicus).
Even then I dont think it would be a terribly agile organization and my guess is that it would react to external changes very very slowly as all the information would have to slowly filter up through the various castes.
Dorkromantik. It’s an exceedingly pleasant puzzle game somewhat reminiscent of Carcassonne. It has a cozy, relaxing vibe that is a super pleasant way to wake up my brain in the morning.
I want to race around Sanctuary like my horse was powered by fire of Diablo itself, instead every time I try to turn my horse has to slow down, and take a moment to inspect some random demon’s armpit.
When I found the fountain it made me wonder if their was going to be a cow level.
It also makes me wonder if there is going to be a way to return to The Vault from Diablo 3. There is a quest that makes mention of the vault, so I am hoping it makes a return with the cow level.
I tend to like DoT builds, so was really interested in a poison rogue. Ended up going barb because I watched Conan the Barbarian too many times back in the day.
This is going to be super useful when I finally decide I need to take the time to get all the alters.
As a DM, there are two reasons I ask this kind of question.
If it’s a player that I know is comfortable playing their role, then I am trying to get them to lean into the scene to assist with story pacing, or potentially to reveal additional information.
There are still benefits to asking it though, even if a player is not comfortable playing out the scene. Even without a spotlighted stage, you can still obtain a lot of character development by asking for additional clarity. For instance, did the character want to use a cheesy pickup line, or maybe a humorous anecdote, maybe they want to be really suave.
I would probably ask some leading questions like the above, but that additional info can still greatly expand the scene without turning it into a night at the improv.