Eh, Jellyfin is just a storage. I mostly use it to link up to Symphonium.
Eh, Jellyfin is just a storage. I mostly use it to link up to Symphonium.
Need For Speed isn’t on GoG yet.
Same, but i’d still love for a way to nicely download these games across my network. Like, I have the folders in my NAS with the setup files, I just need an interface that will install them like a regular installer would.
Jellyfin: Streaming works fine, but it doesn’t recognize individual artists (my files are in one big folder, so albums are jumbled).
Yeah, but like MusicBrains and AudioDB plugins. It should scan through and try to match the metadata to better organize your files.
Then for mobile you can connect to the Symfonium app.
Wait, don’t tell me. Is this the guy whose running mate suggested injecting disinfectant?
Yeah, I really think productive rights voters are going to turn out and likely be deciders.
I absolutely do not agree with Vance, but he did get Walz on that abortion bill clarification. Walz couldn’t clarify because it’s a very specific detail, but I don’t think the average voter is going to see it that way. You can claim that it was unfair for Vance to do so, but for a political debate it was a solid jab. I really think productive rights voters are gonna lead this election.
I fear nutters might run away with this out of context.
Dick Cheney: The Optimist. I get his point but following it with: …they’re some of the most optimistic people, just made me lol.
Yeah, it was a very respectable debate, which is a nice change of pace. It gives me hope of eventual political “normalization” or Vance is very good at being an absolute snake.
You’re absolutely right. He pulled off quite the balancing act though, just in case.
I think escaping the shadow of Trump might be tricky though, but 4+ years is a long time.
Honestly, that was a solid debate from both candidates. They both did a good job dancing around direct answers. They both could throw and take jabs. The humbleness and relatability of both candidates was a breath of fresh air. I think they both did a good job trying to sway anyone on the fence, and overall, I think this benefits the Republican Party most. Vance is just a much more personable person than Trump. Democrats are really going to need to turn up if they want to win this election. I really think productive right-specific voters are going to show up from both sides and determine it.
Here’s to hoping personal autonomy wins out. Govement rules over ones personal body is a slippery slope. Allowing one to choose, that’s freedom.
You’re not wrong. Here’s hoping the Dems show up in droves as well
Democrats aren’t just jumping ship over this bullshit. The actual voters, the people, not the talking heads, are pretty entrenched in Not Trump. Votes aren’t changing over this, and the Democrats know what’s at stake. At the end of the day there’s more blue than red and it was an L for Trump as soon as he said he was running.
Braindead comment.
I keep seeing this like Donald Trump is going to eliminate genocide if elected. What a braindead comment.
I don’t know if this will help anyone but damn is the documentation on how to do this kind of thing scarce so here I am. I was quite a struggle both learning all this and implementing it but it’s been fun overall.
FreeDNS doesn’t seem to have a way to add any kind of SSL Certs as far as I can tell. Not that I needed to, but when I tried explaining my situation to the hosting provider they suggested that the cert needed to be on the DDNS server.
I also couldn’t get the Asustor Reverse Proxy to work either. Many of the tutorials and user suggestions i ran across suggested that this is the way to get SSL but when I tried to implement it I kept landing at my portal login and nothing was getting proxy’d. The netstat
command was showing that whatever the reverse proxy port needed was not open - I also ran across this in a 2020+ thread on Asustor.
Right now I’ll also need to manually update the certs and go through this process again in 3 months time. There might be a way to automate this process but it’s a lot of steps that I’m not sure can be automated in this seeming (to me) flawed setup. In any case, it’s been challenging but fun and I think in the next 6 months I’ll upgrade out of Asustor and into a bigger server with a core Linux setup. I know nothing about Linux :)
I do appreciate everyone’s suggestions and help. Here’s what I ended up doing.
FreeDNS via as a DDNS Subdomain
Domain + Subdomain via hosting provider
Hosted Subdomain CNAME to the DDNS Subdomain
Setup DDNS using Asustor > Settings > Manual Connect and setting up a FreeDNS account and input the info it needed. Last DDNS update keeps coming back as Failure but FreeDNS keeps updating my IP so it seems to work, but for whatever reason Asustor doesn’t think it’s working.
Used openssl + certbot CLI tools to generate a certificate that covers all 3 cases: Hosted Subdomain, Hosted Domain, DDNS Subdomain. Looks like this:
certbot certonly --key-type rsa --rsa-key-size 2048 --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d hosteddomain.example -d subdomain.hosteddomain.example -d ddns.domain.example
This will set up verification codes that you can create TXT records for on the Hosted Domain and the DDNS Domain. I had to contact FreeDNS to get access to add text records with underscores but they were cool and quick to reply. They look like this:
Once the certificates are in place I uploaded them to my Hosted Domain and verified that my Hosted Domain was showing the SSL certificate / lock at HTTPS.
Next I logged into my Asustor and under Settings > Certificate Manager I added my SSL Certificates and assigned it as the primary certificate for the NAS.
Finally, I needed to enable SSL on my Jellyfin, which required a PFX file.
openssl pkcs12 --export -out "Z:\Path\To\PFXOutput\jellyfin.pfx" -inkey "Z:\Path\To\Cert\jellyfin.key" -in "Z:\Path\To\Cert\jellyfin.crt"
Under Jellyfin > Dashboard > Networking I enable HTTPS, Require HTTPS, give it the path to the PFX file and the PFX password, and Allow remote connections to the server. I disabled port forwarding from Jellyfin and had to jump into my router to remove the UPnP records it had previously added. All port numbers are default to Jellyfin and no URLs in the Server Address Settings.
Important to take note of the Jellyfin ports here for both HTTP and HTTPS requests. Important note to restart Jellyfin after this takes effect. Asustor has an App Central where under Installed Apps you can just turn it off and back on again.
Finally, I added Port Forwarding to my router so that the 443 looks for the Jellyfin HTTPS port and 80 looks for the Jellyfin HTTP port at my NAS IP.
Now I can access HTTPS subdomain.domain.example and land at my Dockered Jellyfin app.
No, I don’t necessarily want other people to access my Jellyfin, but my folx live out in the boons, (visiting on holidays etc.) and that was the only way I could find to reliably access my media. I guess I also come from a web background so it felt right to me. The Asustor I have really limits what I can and can’t do with it. I got it as a like, starter point since it felt out of the box. I’m also on Windows lol.
Do you have any resources for how I could grant access outside my network with a VPN, wireguard, or tailscale? I’m open to other options, I’m really just kind of fumbling my way through this idea of what I want.
Yeah, plastic ain’t it. Neither Rock nor Stone.