Neck tie.
Neck tie.
My issue is power consumption. Where I live, I rely on solar panels and batteries, and the steam deck is less power hungry than a laptop with graphics card.
Hmm yeah I was thinking about possibly trying to boot from a usb. Haven’t done that with linux since the 90s, I guess I assumed the linux os thingie would be too big or too slow. Maybe I’ll give that a try, thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah I’ve been out of the loop with tech for fuckin decades. Bought the laptop a while back without knowing about the Nvidia ting. TBH I mostly start the laptop up maybe once a week for spreadsheets, calibre, and as a file transfer medium. I’d planned on using it for gaming too but then I got a steam deck. But yeah, there’s some stuff I can’t easily do on steam deck and I’m really getting sick of fuckin windows. Every time I start the machine it’s trying to install some new AI shit or something. I don’t need that, just want a working computer!
But you’re right - next time I buy a laptop - if I need to - I’m thinking AMD for sure.
Edit - also because of my living situation (I don’t live in a house, all my electric comes from a solar panel) power consumption is a real issue for me. And that laptop is power hungry.
Yeah I don’t either. I have an oled steam deck, my mate has an LCD one. I can’t really see much difference TBH, they’re both great little machines.
I’ve heard linux has problems with laptops with Nvidia cards, like I have. Is this still an issue? I’m getting pretty fucked off with windows but frankly don’t have time to embark on an ongoing technical challenge.
In the past, the aggrieved party got to choose pistols or swords. And I’m thinking swords would be much more fun to watch. I’d pay good money to watch those two bozos flailing at each other with cutlasses.
Wow thanks for all the suggestions, I’ll check em out, pretty sure there’s something there my mate and i can agree on.
We’re using mobile hotspots, that’s our only internet access. We can both connect to the same one though.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check it out!
Looks great, thanks!
Thanks for the detailed response. Yeah, I’d thought the LAN thing would be tricky - the issue is that where we live, we have to rely on mobile hotspots for internet connectivity and the speed isn’t the best. It’s usable, I think we were just hoping to find a more effective workaround! And thanks for the suggestions too, I’ll check em out.
It was delay, deny, depose iirc
I think it looks kinda sexy.
I’m still mostly playing doom 2016.
I had a twenty year break from gaming and I’ve been trying to catch up since I got the steam deck but I remain pretty crap. I’m playing doom on little bitch mode and still finding it a challenge. I’m about half way through, I don’t get a lot of gaming time.
I keep starting other games but not getting into them. But I think I’m gonna give dishonoured a try too.
Steam deck is probably the best machine I’ve bought in years.
Yeah I’m the same. People have said they’re better for subtle movements like aiming but I find I tend to either move too little with them or spin out of control. Fat thumbs I guess.
I thought the old homeworld games were great. Kind of RTS in space ships. They’re old now but still good.
They provide an easy platform for me to buy games so I use them. The steam deck too. Just because they have a competent product, i don’t think that justifies any arse kissing. Like you say, they’re a company and they’re in business to make money.
Yeah, I can see why developers would be unhappy about the 30%. Maybe there’s an argument to be made that the platform gives these games a greater potential market but I don’t know enough about the business to try making that argument.
Yeah, something like this is pretty much inevitable. We have large, dense populations of humans living in close proximity with animals. Stuff of going to jump the species gap, and yeah it’ll probably be much worse than COVID, which was not that severe in terms of death rates.
I dunno, I stopped a while back, it wasn’t hard really. I’ve also heard that while they are usually fine with regular sums of money they are not to be trusted with large sums. Just word of mouth an I’ve got no proof but it put me off.
Yeah, I mean you could get gpt or something to write you a movie script. Maybe even get it to give you points on lighting, shots, etc. It definitely wouldn’t be close to a good film though, and probably some nonsense uncanny valley shit.
I don’t think AI will replace human creativity when it comes to art. It’s soulless. I know that’s a subjective judgement but it’s one I think almost all of us would make.
I’ve no problem with idiots who drink it, they shouldn’t be allowed to give it to their kids though.