You said it’s not hard, but that’s gonna be really hard.
You said it’s not hard, but that’s gonna be really hard.
Better the money go to the state than Trump.
Crypto doesn’t avoid network fees. The fees aren’t quite as arbitrary and are shared with a broader pool of those providing the network, but the fees are still there providing the incentive for the network transactions to be processed.
The boosting of propaganda and the identification, tracking and exploitation of government targets.
People in key government positions are still people like us and they love social media too. Having an app on their phone doing data mining can identify people of interest and then collect data, target and compromise them. Even without the app on a government issued phone they can identify key people using their personal phones and then target them for more sophisticated surveillance.
Best to talk to a lawyer for specifics, but like non-compete agreements, NDAs often include things that can’t legally be enforced. The people wanting you to sign the NDA just hope you don’t know better and you’ll shut up.
If you know better, you can take their money and then disclose the facts anyway.
That brought a legit chuckle!
I love that they have a belt. Like, you gotta put your belt on even with cut-offs.
A lot of people are lazy and just assuming Trump will lose, won’t vote. Others it’s a challenge because they have to take time off work as voting day is not a holiday in the US. Additionally some polling locations have long lines, something notoriously common in low-income areas. People have been known to wait many hours just to vote and so not surprisingly these areas often have lower turnout due to frustration.
The tariffs only increase US worker wages if they are significant enough to promote domestic manufacturing. If we still can’t produce the widget at home for the same or less expensively, then all we’ve done is create a federal sales tax on Chinese goods.
Nuclear safety and penny-pinchers don’t make good bedfellows.
Additionally Ukraine is an asset they want to exploit. Turning it into a nuclear landscape makes it unusable.
The fact is she either wins the election or it won’t matter what she thinks. The administration cannot take a anti-Netanyahu/pro-Palestinian position right now without losing Jewish support, both voters and donors. I suspect post-election we’ll see Biden & Kamala suddenly become much more vocal against what Israel is doing.
At this point does it matter? I think not!
Jammer also keeps people from getting a notification that someone has come into view on the camera. An away homeowner who sees a person coming through their front door can call the police. With no notification you don’t know until you get home and they’re long gone.
What power is Biden abusing exactly? And I’m a registered Republican btw, but not one that’ll support a fascist who has tried to dismantle our democracy.
Seems you clearly understood who I was talking about. The two are not the same, even remotely.
Trump wants power regardless of whether he wins the election or not, tried to take power when he lost, and many of his own cabinet appointees and his own vice president have come out against him. He spreads lies incessantly, sides with Putin in everyway and is denigrating to our intelligence agencies and military. Not to mention being a guy that brags about sexually assaulting women, talks about his own daughter sexually and was good friends with a known pedophile. He’s even said he wouldn’t release info on Epstein and those he associated with.
It’s about which person is not going to have and abuse his Presidential power.
Version 2 came with Windows 7. Version 5 comes with Windows 10 (and I think 11). V7 is the latest but being cross-platform doesn’t come with some of the Windows-specific modules built into v5.
I know I’m a heretic but I’m a huge powershell fan. Once you work with an object-oriented shell you’ll wonder why you’ve dealt with parsing text for so long. Works great on Linux, MacOS and Windows, it’s open source, reads and writes csv, json and xml natively, native web and rest service support, built-in support for remote computing and parallel processing and extensive libraries for just about anything you can think of. It takes a little getting used to but it’s worth it.
First pic made me immediately think the same! I’d be so happy if my kid did that for me, if only for the humor of it and our shared love of the game.