Spend 8 years watching both parties ignote their struggles, and then vote for the one that’s actively promising to make them worse?
Bold move, Cotton.
Spend 8 years watching both parties ignote their struggles, and then vote for the one that’s actively promising to make them worse?
Bold move, Cotton.
I guess “default to assuming it’s untrue” wasn’t how I should’ve put it.
If they told me the sky was blue, I wouldn’t say they’re wrong but I’d probably still look up just to be sure.
Uh, no? “An eye for an eye.” is old school ancient.
It was however a limiting statement. When Hammurabi made “an eye for an eye” into law, it meant you couldn’t just go kill a man’s entire family over losing an eye and call it justified.
Hmm yes, to save the democracy one must absolutely kill the democracy. We just have to suspend certain rights and liberties until “the enemy within” is rooted out.
Certainly not fascism.
Wouldn’t we all, but needs must when the devil drives.
You should default to assuming anything Fox says is untrue without a second source to verify. Because legally they can just say whatever they want and aren’t beholden to any type of journalistic standards because they aren’t news.
They have no more credibility than a random social media user.
Cool, its objectively worse for people and society in general though.