You’re probably telling them something they’re already viscerally aware of.
You’re probably telling them something they’re already viscerally aware of.
Calling me a troll is an incredibly convenient way for you to get out from under the burden of proof here. Kind of hard to have a discussion with someone if they’re just going to call you a troll when you ask them to provide proof of something they’re claiming.
You made the assertion, so the onus is on you to prove it.
Okay, then prove that something happened. I’m not the one implying she’s some sort of Russian asset with 0 evidence beyond a photo. That’s you. I’ll never get tired of posting this in response.
I own a house. I work and I hire people if I can’t fix something myself. So far I’ve only had to do that once in 4 years. Owning a house is not a job. Landlord literally has “LORD” in the name… kinda hard to defend, friend.
Where’s your evidence for what you’re accusing her of doing exactly?
Edit: And just to be clear, you’re the one making the claim that she is somehow scheming with Putin. The onus is on you to prove that, not on Stein or anyone else to disprove that. Otherwise, anyone could accuse anyone else of anything and then the accused would have to disprove that. Literally makes no sense.
Having your photograph taken at the same table as someone else is damning evidence of an election conspiracy, apparently.
Criticizing Biden right now is not “working to get Trump”. Biden could easily step down and get behind an alternative candidate. These things aren’t black and white when we’re still like 4-5 months out from the election.
Step 1 would be organizing and unionizing our workplaces (with a focus on strategic industries like food production, railways, construction… the stuff that really makes the gears turn). The next step would be aligning the collective bargaining contracts negotiated by those unions to expire at the same time. Solidarity strikes were made illegal in the US, so unions are only ‘allowed’ to strike against employers who employ their union members. The collective bargaining contract expiration dates would need to be far enough in the future to allow the union to build up a nice little strike fund, enough to pay each member a stipend to survive off of for a month or two. Then the unions and their members need to negotiate with each other and vote to decide on general strike demands to change the current system (my preference would be on revolutionary unionism to end capitalism and put industry in the hands of workers democratically, but you could also do things like change FPTP voting to something else, or really any demand you want to propose that you think could make our country better for us). Then when the contracts expire, the general strike begins. Unions issue their demands on behalf of the workers and the gears turn from there. The only real way to create fundamental change to the system is to use collective organizing and collective action. What I’ve said above is just one way to go about it and I think it’s a pretty democratic way to do it, but there are definitely others (communist vanguard party, democratic socialism via electoral politics, etc.). The UAW is actually advocating for the general strike method and have set a date of May 1st, 2028 (international labor day) for other unions to align their contracts accordingly.
Damn, guess we’ll have to cut the “defense” budget, oh nooo. Maybe that’ll encourage them to pass their audits.