It’s Saturday!
The first big player I came across in desalination and/or reverse osmosis is Pure Aqua, but it’s a private company. Is there a publicly traded one you’re eyeing? Or did I misinterpret and you meant get a desalination machine?
It’s Saturday!
The first big player I came across in desalination and/or reverse osmosis is Pure Aqua, but it’s a private company. Is there a publicly traded one you’re eyeing? Or did I misinterpret and you meant get a desalination machine?
They want you alive as long as it’s profitable
I think it’s pretty obvious they never heard a thing any democrat ever said, only what right wing media SAYS that ‘the libs’ are saying or doing
“Otherwise, maybe don’t use this question because you’re probably just going to learn how well the applicant can brown nose. There are plenty of interview questions to choose from that might yield useful data.”
The comic is about this specific question, so all else being equal, if I have to choose between someone that responds like you did and someone with any hint of friendliness, then I know who I would rather work with…
It’s a given you want money. The question is why this job vs another? If you don’t stand out from the 100 other applicants then they’ll take whoever will accept the lowest pay or whoever has the most charm.
If you come off as desperate then they might try to lowball you
Grandpa! It’s me, I’m your grandson from the future! I had to use the time machine and see for myself that you really did witness this momentous moment in human history!
The pizza hut demo disc, yes!!!
Cannon cannot comprehend court concepts
I remember seeing threads like “What was the best purchase that you made for under 100” or some variation every once in a while. I’m sure those got corpo eyes real interested if they weren’t advertising in them already.
“Zoom in, there’s a period: Don’t. Be evil.”
Paper Mario for the N64, and Paper Mario and the 1000 Year Door (for GameCube, I haven’t played the remake)
I’ve been thinking about getting a newer phone than my S9 but I don’t see a compelling reason to get a 24 over a 23
In addition, the fallout is not over. Until recently I was using a 3rd party app that was only barred from signing in to reddit, I was still able to read and navigate the website. Now it seems that they have cut that access off so that drove me to create an account here.
I’ll still use reddit whenever I’m at my pc on weekdays, but if content moves elsewhere I will likely follow and wean off reddit further.
My local library also offers a thermal camera rental! I’ve borrowed one several times, it’s very useful!