It’s America. One of the most common reasons for something to exist here is because it makes money, and this is making a lot of money.
It’s America. One of the most common reasons for something to exist here is because it makes money, and this is making a lot of money.
Love the “Arms: 2”
Well, no, he doesn’t see it that way - he’s not progressive. He’s just a guy who said he was to get elected, and now he’s showing his true colors. As for Israel, the country that only exists because it stole land from the people who were there already, would be doing just fine if the people whose land it stole just moved on, yes, but that’s not going to happen, nor should it.
Some Palestinians use their beliefs to fuel their hatred, and you don’t need me to tell you that’s bad, but only those who actually let those beliefs lead to unwarranted actions of violence are to be condemned, not the people as a whole. The same goes for Israel - only those who take unwarranted action against Palestine are to be condemned. You can and should disagree with the parts of anyone’s beliefs that go against basic human decency, but that alone doesn’t invalidate their right to live.
You act like this started because of a recent bombing and not because of the suppression of an innocent group people over the course of nearly a century. It’s the quintessential bullshit milquetoast excuse of “If you fight back against a bully, you’re just as bad.” The US is an example of what happens when the invaders simply kill all of the original occupants to claim the land for themselves - you’ll have a tough time finding a progressive who thinks that ended up being a happy outcome.
It might as well be. Why else would you use the fact that Palestine isn’t progressive itself to question why progressives support it? Progressives believe that people have a right to live regardless of their beliefs. It’s only actions taken that can invalidate that right, which is why we support Palestine and not Israel; beliefs have nothing to do with it - one is massacring the other, and that’s unacceptable.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 came out during the Year of Luigi, which was a pretty big deal since most people though it was never coming back. But yeah, otherwise it was pretty lame.
Oh shit, I hadn’t heard about this yet! Okami was one of those games from the early 2000’s that felt really experimental and cool, a common theme at the time, especially for PS2 games. I feel like big game companies have largely moved away from that, which is really disappointing. Even this is just another sequel, but it’s still one I’m really excited about!
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air…
Luigi the Flugelhornless
Seems pretty obvious to me that the only reason most high-ranking politicians climbed up through the political system in the first place, regardless of the party, was the goal of establishing self-serving ties with billionaires and corporations. They’re not here to represent us, they’re here to get paid a whole bunch of money to do the job of telling us they’re here to represent us.
Yeah, they’re always mad about something. They’ll look at their trucks packed to the brim with boxes and wonder why we didn’t put each and every package in the exact correct location. We’d do our best, but by the end of the day we’d just be putting them wherever they’d fit.
It would’ve spilled long before it got to me and the local delivery trucks I’d be loading. We’d be unpacking large cross-country semis that were packed so haphazardly that unofficial protocol was to open them and run; one time I almost had a car jack land on my head that someone decided to shove in on top of a stack of boxes.
I never delivered packages, I only loaded them on the trucks. I’d usually be assigned 3-4 trucks depending on package load and how many people decided to show up that day.
Having worked at FedEx, everything has fragile stickers and “this way up” arrows. If I payed attention to every notice on every package, I’d run out of room on the truck before I was even halfway through my shift. Plus I’d be spending way too much time in the truck, and I’d constantly be running down the conveyor to collect packages I missed while I was in there. The only special instructions we have the time to address are the hazmat signs. But yeah, some people literally punt packages onto their trucks, so there’s a middle ground to be found.
Get your first look at the future site of our next holocaust museum!
Bud, you can’t post a map showing that, if everyone voted, would-be nonvoters would have the power to change over half of the states’ electoral college results, then pair it with the statement “Potential voters feel their vote literally doesn’t matter and statistically and practically speaking they are not wrong.” You’re literally providing the statistical proof that they are wrong.
I was able to insert the mini disks that came with Lego Bionicles on my family’s iMac back in the day. Never had a head-shaped disk, though.
Campaigning in the US relies heavily on money from wealthy investors to get off the ground. Meaning, any new party that wants to get going needs approval from the wealthy to do so.
Additionally, a huge percentage of the population pays no attention to politics at all, just closing their eyes to the whole election and either not voting, or voting for the party they’ve always voted for every time, so even if your party managed to get some attention, it’d just be another 3rd party further fracturing what small portion of the population risks voting outside the 2 party system as it is.
In other to have a shot at winning, you’d need to somehow make enough money to afford competing with the 2 established parties for screen time, which would mean major corporate backing that would only happen if they liked your policies.
I’m the opposite. No matter how hot it is, I’m wearing full-length jeans. It’s never bothered me, and I’ve had significantly fewer instances of finding ticks on my body compared to my friends.
Yeah, I spent about 8 hours going over every person this election, including local mayor, city council, and board of education members. And, yeah, 8 hours isn’t an amount of time everyone has all in one block, but most of the research was pretty easy to digest quickly, and I could’ve split it into a bunch of 5-minute pieces whenever I had a bit of time over the course of a couple months. I get that it’s not the most interesting or calming activity, but I think people could at least take a small amount of enjoyment knowing they’ve properly educated themselves on the goals and qualifications of all the people on their ballot.
Why does the background of that guys post read “I think that my virginity’s growing back?”