Why a gas burner specifically? Induction stove tops are more controllable
Why a gas burner specifically? Induction stove tops are more controllable
You can’t exactly compare the studio to how it was a decade ago…
Gotta love that capitalism’s “efficiency” that everyone keeps mentioning as a positive
Especially these days, where farming is not just repeatedly whacking a hoe into the ground, but instead a massive industrialized and technologically heavy process
Not to mention them being trained to use violence to achieve goals
Like, what does one expect to happen?
Sure, but space habitats are far far more useful than underwater ones
There is definitively no shortage of challenges in orbit
But if you were to overthrow Putin, how would you do it?
If you have a fascist dictatorship, how do you end it? How was fascism ended in history?
With VR an important aspect you’re not mentioning is the 3D movement you are now able to do, inhabiting the played character in a more true to form way
I can’t tell you exactly what it is, but simulation games are nearly always satisfying for me
Probably because it’s a sped up, consequence free, approximation of the real thing, without any of the entry cost but with a similar satisfaction for succeeding
And like, it’s not like other mechanically complex games are really that different. All a game is, aside from the story and art part of it, is problem solving and surpassing obstacles
It’s definitively the latter. Steam awards are mostly considered to be a joke. The actual interesting and well-deserving games rarely ein anything,.usually because they’re more niche
I mean, hell, starfield won the innovation award last year. I think that’s the biggest joke award that has ever been lmao. That game is about as innovative as a french fry
kids should not lie to their parents
Said by someone whose parents aren’t abusive I presume.
Yeah no, welcome to the real world, there’s tons of fucked up parents out there that kids need to be protected from
“this was eye opening”
Bro if this was eye-opening your level of political analysis is high school level
Hell yea
Your thirst is mine, my water is yours
I also want to clarify, we can create asymmetrical encryption algorithms that are quantum resistant but not quantum themselves
Quantum encryption probably won’t be in mass use anytime soon, but for extra sensitive applications
I’ve seen a lot of articles that were like “scientists do this!!” And never link to the actual study (not including this article)
What happened to citing your sources?
I genuinely don’t know if they’re doing this intentionally, or if they are just completely blind to it at this point, but violence is, and always has been, normalized and used in the dominating political/legal/governing/economic systems. It’s just not treated as such.
Because what is denying someone’s healthcare insurance claim that they are supposed to get if not violence? Or sending police after someone? Or sentencing someone to death?
Violence has always been part of the answer. It’s just that that answer is not officially allowed for the common rabble.
How is it human nature when it’s literally the system that is the problem? This is not about individuals, but about systems, specifically the profit motive
Competition for the most profit under capitalism is literally the driving factor for all of this. If you don’t do it, someone else will take your place and do it instead
That’s fascism for you. That’s where the US is headed