Just put Telegram in the same pool with Discord, Skype, Teams and all that. They’re more at home there and no longer the status of for the people.
Just put Telegram in the same pool with Discord, Skype, Teams and all that. They’re more at home there and no longer the status of for the people.
If they truly went back to basics, they would’ve made a fighting game again with Dynasty Warriors characters which is exactly how the series began before it became the button-mashing mobfest of a series it later became.
But I digress. As someone else had said, the series has just become a repetitive series. A lot of it’s fans seem to say that DW5, DW7 and DW8 are really the best the series has had to offer. You aren’t missing out if you skip a few entries than maybe the story slightly changing or a character looks different or acts different, different effects .etc
People should’ve dropped FB back in 2016 or when the Cambridge Analytica happened.
But Team Fortress 2 is not an arena shooter. It’s just simply a first person shooter with multiplayer capabilities. The differences are narrow but different enough between Team Fortress 2 and something like Quake III Arena. It’s the pace and you’re usually on your own.
There goes all of what remains of their integrity.
It just proves further and further that AI by itself is not a bad thing. It’s the intent that man pours into it, that makes it a bad thing.
Whatever man touches, turns to rigor mortis.
If that’s what it has to take - go for it.
They points at them can downward motion with hands forming an ‘S’ go extend both index fingers forward in a quick motion fuck off use a fingerspelled “O” handshape over “flat” hand shape on your dominant hand and slide it across the back there points to the nearest volcano
Hoped that pisses you righties off.
Meta has workers? Thought everything is attached to that shitty hub system they’ve been leaning on for years now.
Maybe, if publishers and creators were getting some petty tax from each swap
You didn’t read the part where part of my conceptual ideas consist of paying a fee to gift the game away, that would have to be decided up to Valve and the Developers/Publishers. I only came up with just a start. It’s not a perfect idea, but it’s there as a return for them because they’re going to want some return from this, of course.
I’m not doing the leg work for you. If you’re that curious, you look it up.
Oh great, so I’m seeing this now, where we’ll have controllers that will play the game for you. And this will go over nicely in esports and the competitive scene…not.
Not hopeful for the next generation of gaming.
The only other game I know of that penalizes you simlarly is Rocket League, they penalize you for leaving casual matches.
I just don’t understand the logic. They take Win-Loss records way too seriously.
Arena Shooters have tried and tried to recapture the magic but it’s just long gone. As soon as Overwatch showed up, the game had changed. Then Quake itself just had to do the same thing with Champions and look where that got them. Then Unreal Tournament turned into Fortnite and that was the last nail in the coffin.
I do not think this is about appeasing Trump or embracing a Trump presidency. It’s just them showing their true colors.
The same kind of corporations that play make-believe whenever June comes around with corporately-sponsored “acceptance” products.
Poorer understanding of money and value was detected.
Democrats: Takes forever to get around to doing what they need to do until it’s last minute. The last minute passes them, they’re throwing a fit about it.
Republicans: Starts pulling strings and tapping connections to throw as much shit around as possible and orchestrate theater to pad the time it takes.
Twitter ended up inadvertently turning to his favor though. It has turned into even more of a hotbed for unchecked, uneducated and loud morons from alt-right/qanon/incel/republicans.
He gets TikTok though, it’ll just be another platform to blast full volume even more.
The guy is stupid rich, he could theoretically buy Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp and Reddit if he wanted to. He’s just not choosing to at this time.
And those people will turn around and cry about privacy issues. The cycle repeats…
I attribute intelligence to not just solving problems but also possessing rational, critical and logical thinking. If any one of those qualities is missing or more than one, yeah someone is absolutely dumb.
I admit I’m not any smarter, I mean, I don’t have much in the way of presenting anything I know academically, but I still am smart in other ways.
I’m just proud that I’m smarter than 71 million people in my country, so that’s a pat on the back.
Lol, 700k misinformed idiot Americans you mean.