Might try Trakt. It does a pretty good job of finding things I want to watch.
Might try Trakt. It does a pretty good job of finding things I want to watch.
“I don’t mind sending them some money, but unless they show that they’re gonna change their ways and get back to building dams and stormwater, doing the maintenance with the brush and the trees – everything that everybody else does in the country, and they refuse to do it – they don’t deserve anything, to be honest with you, unless they show us they’re gonna make some changes,” he said.
Sen. Tubby Tantrum is a damned moron, but I actually somewhat agree with him on this one. Seems like every year I hear about ever more destructive wild fires in California. Some of that I can attribute to climate change, sure, but there is almost certainly more than that causing them at this point. Does California not do controlled burns any more?
Thank you!
Thank you! That got me there!
My servers (an old desktop overstuffed with drives and an old dell laptop), networking gear and a 50 gal aquarium all run on the same outlet. As long as the aquarium heater is off, the outlet pulls about 200 watts. The aquarium heater spikes that to 400 watts when it kicks in.
Might check out Paperless-ngx. I know it has full text search. It OCRs everything you put in it. Not sure about integrating it with Wordpress though.
Why do you need it to be in a Wordpress page? I can’t quite see what you’re trying to accomplish.
You can certainly build a box for for use as a router, but you don’t need to.
If your not planning to build out anything public facing and aren’t going to run ipv6 internally, you can use any router to block all inbound ports and run everything over wire guard or tailscale.
There are a million and one ways to self host services. First question needs to be, what do you want to do and why. That will dictate the how.
I had no clue that was a thing. Sorry.
Before I discovered VLC (some 20 years ago) I used to use mplayer. Not sure if it’s still being maintained though. It could display video using text output, frambuffer as well as via an x window.
As bad as the Democrats fundraising tactics are, the Republicans were even worse. At one point during the 2020 election my phone was buzzing for 10 minutes straight with some 70% being Republican fundraising messages. Democrats maxed out at 20 messages in one day,but then I do live in a state that’s not going blue anytime soon.
You might like this YouTube channel:
Canadian trucker with a mindset like your friends dad, but also is building trucks that is in my opinion the way forward for the trucking industry. Got to bounce, load to move.
The trucking industry has a very long tail when it comes to equipment. Big trucking companies (100 plus trucks) generally replace their equipment every 3 to 5 years. Smaller companies (10 to 100 trucks) often buy a mix of new and used equipment with an average age somewhere in the 5 to 10 year old range. Then you have the majority of the trucking industry who buy whatever makes financial sense to them at that moment in time and then run it till they can no longer get parts or they hang up the keys. The latter being more common.
As I was writing this a cab over Kenworth drove by the dock I’m currently parked at. They haven’t been made since the late 80’s, I think. Once the tech is available, then a 10 to 20 year time frame makes sense and will see some 90% to 98% of the old trucks replaced.
I can’t believe I saying something nice about CARB, but they don’t usually operate like that. They were given the mandate of making California’s air clean again. They have their lane and they stick to it and fuck all what anyone else thinks of it or the consequences. I have had major bones to pick with them over the years I’ve been driving professionally, but that’s not one of them.
It’s not so much that we don’t want to as much as it is that the equipment needed doesn’t exist and neither does the required infrastructure, which is the bigger problem. Add to that the fact that most truck “companies” in the US have less than 10 truck and they were usually bought used…
That said their is one company I’m watching that does seem to actually understand the problem, but they are mostly focusing on heavy haul and logging trucks. https://www.edisonmotors.ca/ Their trucks are going to be hybrid diesel electric which helps with the infra problem as opposed to Tesla’s all electric solution which requires an entire new infrastucture to be built when there isn’t enough truck parking as is in many places.
If anyone is interested what the owner/operator side of the trucking industry is saying about this, Land Line Now recently did an update piece on this. https://landlinenow.libsyn.com/land-line-now-dec-5-2024 The TL/DL is that the required tech just doesn’t really exist in a usable format to continue operating same as before. Folks in areas affected by CARB should expect significantly higher prices for goods and much slower shipping times, and a lot of small businesses will be forced out of business as a result of the new rules. Upside is that freight rates will likely shoot through the roof, which will be great for anyone that has the compliant equipment to take advantage of it.
And yet most of them are public companies. Who file annual reports. Which names the top executives. /facepalm
Normally I’d say Intel, but given the issues Intel has had with the last couple generations of processors, go AMD if you are looking for new hardware. If you don’t mind used, I’d go with an Intel based Toughbook or Dell Latitude. Both laptops are well supported by the Linux Kernel. Avoid Intel 13th Gen and newer.
The main reason I like Intel is that, until recently, their naming conventions made more sense. Intel may be slightly more optimized AMD but it’s not going to be enough to notice, especially once you’re dealing with the more high end AMD procs like Threadripper. That said I haven’t used AMD processors since Athlons were king, 20+ years ago now.
Damn, now I feel old. The first linux distro I installed (and was able to run on my hardware) was their second release, 05.04.
Yes, but it’s in TestFlight, and still needs a good bit of work.
Sounds like a solid plan.
Unless you already have a RPi available for use, I would consider basing around x86 hardware. Nothing wrong with the Raspberry Pi’s, it’s just if you need to buy hardware, there’s much more powerful computers available for similar price points. Won’t be as simple or straightforward nor as energy efficient, but if you start adding additional services, you’ll be glad for the extra RAM and processor performance that is available.