Testdisk is great. I recently cleaned a drive with diskpart and after the initial 100bpm “oh shit, wrong drive” moment, I fixed the partition structure with testdisk. Took a while, but pretty simple and easy to use.
Testdisk is great. I recently cleaned a drive with diskpart and after the initial 100bpm “oh shit, wrong drive” moment, I fixed the partition structure with testdisk. Took a while, but pretty simple and easy to use.
Revanced APKs - Automated builds and distribution of ReVanced apps (unofficial):
That rings a bell… could one use BlissOS or Android-x86 in a vm? I can’t remember. It’s another thing I’ve been meaning to look into.
Ha ha, a post about the Eee! Dug my 1000H out of the attic a few weeks back, put Mint xfce on it and it works great, pretty zippy! Then I put it back in the attic.
Ha, same! Well, Iceraven. Very clean page. Impressive project and looking forward to the dld.
… yawn… anyway,
Fair play to you Ruben, that’s great! I forgot that it’s early days for the app.
Will you be adding an opton to group/catagorise subscriptions?
Ha, thanks! Yeah, Boost doesn’t seem to have the option, so I used Eternity to modify it.
I don’t understand your thought process here. Not meaning to be obtuse, but how did Ukraine do this? And, honestly, sorry to ask, but what does erased from the map mean? I get that it’s a complicated situation, but how on earth should it all be resolved in a way that would leave everything better, or at least not long-term worse? Thanks in advance for your insights.