Usually abstinence prevents idiots from entering the gene pool; this time it may help get rid of some if Trump gets his way. Great work!
Usually abstinence prevents idiots from entering the gene pool; this time it may help get rid of some if Trump gets his way. Great work!
That may be true, but I happen to believe that truth does exist. All we can do is hold on to it.
Tis a risky game, doing what’s right.
Uh, Trump feels completely justified in jailing his enemies already. Will it happen? I’m not excited to wait and find out.
It also means he’s a terrible Christian because Christians are not supposed to tattoo themselves 🙄
Patched Sync still working for me.
For privacy to have inherent value, it first must be an established, inherent right. Unfortunately, the Constitution doesn’t talk about it to my knowledge. I’ve always inferred that our rights against unlawful search and seizure basically encapsulate the concept, but whatever.
Tell that to dumbass IT “managers” that think a process monitor is a hacking tool.
My friend, there are a lot of stupid fucking morons that live in this country.
Absolutely. I get the doom, but there’s no way I’m just rolling over on SS, ever.
Does anyone have a comprehensible guide for setting all this up?
Good point. Amazon is definitely trying to make COVID issues the new normal.
As bad as those two linked incidents were, they weren’t exactly government sanctioned. Police sanctioned, sure, and the government should do more to reign that shit in, but comparing them to Tiennamen is disingenuous at best.
The Chinese government hates letting its citizens have a voice.
I would argue that the carrot should not have been dangled unless there was absolute certainty that they would deliver. Otherwise I’m fine with Biden. His experience is underrated, IMO, and I think the guy does want to do good for the country. He is old.
This may be the greatest thumbnail of all time. Nay, is.
I’m just a layman, but it has been nagging my brain how all these big tech companies seem to be turning shitty all at once. I’ve seen others propose similar explanations, but the basic idea is that the historically low rates got them addicted to “free” capital. Now the faucet has been slammed shut and they have to make up for the shortfall.
Also, it’s not just big tech at fault. The massive worldwide inflation we’ve experienced happened for the same reason - shortsighted greed.
Another thing is I feel like I’m trying harder to contribute positively; I want Lemmy to succeed so that (hopefully) we can avoid the enshitification that inevitably plagues the commercialized platforms.
I’ll piggyback and say that it feels similar. The biggest difference is not having huge default subs shaping the experience. Lemmy also feels more sparse in the comments, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
This is the most disturbing “boring dystopia” thing yet.
I try to hold to the idea that ultimately evil will fail, because you simply cannot hide from the light of the truth. Of course that does not mean the ride won’t be wild on the way there.