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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • “Experts say this practice is likely illegal”

    Um, it is definitely illegal. Employers are required to obtain proof of eligibility from new hires. You cannot work on a tourist visa so if you employ such workers you are in violation of the law.

    But of course these Trumpists will never be punished, it’s much easier to destroy the workers lives. If the Republicans were serious about tackling illegal immigration they would enforce the law on employers by levying heavy punitive fines for violations. It would be a lot cheaper than mass deportation.

    But then we would have to reform immigration to allow for legal entry to meet labor needs and businesses want cheap labor here illegally so they can be abused.

  • They should do it. A lot of reps are sharpening their knives advocating for this irritant to step into their turf.

    The Speaker makes a lot of enemies. A speaker with slim majority with a caucus full of petulant narcissists, zealots and corrupt grifters is going to have a bad time. Nobody should want that job. Imagine being handed an unwinnable situation and then personally taking all the blame when it doesn’t go the way your infantile emperor desires. This is a plot to ice Musk out of the halls of power.