When I was there they implemented “high efficiency seating”. Fuck that environment, I hope they lose a ton of talent.
When I was there they implemented “high efficiency seating”. Fuck that environment, I hope they lose a ton of talent.
I remember learning about avoiding the appearance of impropriety in school. Maybe Justice Alito was absent that day.
One of the best things I was taught growing up was a deep love and appreciation for the natural world and that the best way to appreciate wildlife was from afar for both the safety of me and the animal.
The “90% of medical claims” is such a weaselly metric. Yeah, if you have a small-cost claim like your annual physical or basic x-rays they pay, but if you need anything that costs money, that would push you over your deductible, they deny. Saying 90% just isn’t meaningful if most claims are small-dollar.
Well, no. The OG framers only thought the owner class should have any power, thats why only white wealthy male landowners could vote.
The constitution only protects billionaires i guess.
I am no expert but that looks kind of intentional. I am curious what the investigation finds out.
Yes, “streaming fatigue” is the problem. It’s not that services are charging more for worse content. The enshittification isn’t the issue people are just randomly tired of streaming for unexplainable reasons. Very insightful.
Another article where I started out angry at the insurer and then got angrier and angrier the more I read. These people are evil.
He is already talking about it. He is threatening to imprison her for “false accusations”.
I think there is a case to be made for H-1B visas for extremely advanced fields with rarified knowledge, which was the original intent for the visa. It needs major reform at least, but I would not object to just removing it given how pervasive the corrupt use of it is.
Trump was always going to side with moneyed interests. Though he is certainly racist, he doesn’t care about his supporters or what they want. His in-group is crass wealth.
I think the indie scene is still where the best games are at. Currently enjoying Caves of Qud but it’s not for everyone.
Unfortunate. Competition is generally good for the consumer and I’d hate to see one of more more customer-friendly storefronts go away.
It’s the magistrate judge doing the pretrial hearings, not the trial judge. Not great, but not quite as outrageous.
“Experts say this practice is likely illegal”
Um, it is definitely illegal. Employers are required to obtain proof of eligibility from new hires. You cannot work on a tourist visa so if you employ such workers you are in violation of the law.
But of course these Trumpists will never be punished, it’s much easier to destroy the workers lives. If the Republicans were serious about tackling illegal immigration they would enforce the law on employers by levying heavy punitive fines for violations. It would be a lot cheaper than mass deportation.
But then we would have to reform immigration to allow for legal entry to meet labor needs and businesses want cheap labor here illegally so they can be abused.
I think Rand is genuine, I suspect other members of the caucus are eager to introduce Musk to politics on the hill.
They should do it. A lot of reps are sharpening their knives advocating for this irritant to step into their turf.
The Speaker makes a lot of enemies. A speaker with slim majority with a caucus full of petulant narcissists, zealots and corrupt grifters is going to have a bad time. Nobody should want that job. Imagine being handed an unwinnable situation and then personally taking all the blame when it doesn’t go the way your infantile emperor desires. This is a plot to ice Musk out of the halls of power.
I use Garuda Dragonized as well and one of the best parts is using KDE Plasma 6 which can make your desktop environment look and feel however you like. I made mine more Windows-like because it’s more familiar to me, but you can easily make it look like Gnome or Mac or something else entirely using menu-driven settings.
Now if only we could get more Wayland native applications…
Been happening to me as well. I can run it through Proton instead but there is a notable performance hit.