While I have no doubt that the EU has corrupt politicians, It’s no where as visibly bad as it is in the US. Most of the people who could bring this forward get something out of what he is doing or contributing to them, and they would rather turn a blind eye than risk losing whatever he is giving them.
For some it’s helping out their base, for others its something more monetary.
There are mechanisms there, but they only work when the people watching them are invested in helping the citizens.
While I do use a USB-C phone, the thing I miss most about the audio jack is a wired audio connection that doesn’t remove charging or require a separately purchased dongle.
not just sent through, but indefinitely stored on the cloud server, despite advertising that it was not cloud-connected. It also generated facial-recognition based IDs for people which was also stored, and every single device could be connected to through an non-authorized connection request from VLC player.
No, those are the exceptions I think. I suspect that removing them would have caused too much trouble for the main campaigns, because they would have had to explain that there is missing content and why for anyone who would be watching them for the first time.
You mean it wasn’t because of the rampant sexism, sexual harassment, enforcement of China’s policies outside of China, and general shittyness of the company?
While there is speculation that him leaving was related to this, there’s no confirmation, and chances are it was a different reason. Personally I suspect it was related to his substance abuse issues and his frequency of lashing out at trolls online. The breakup and restraining order were both this year, and DV is VERY often hidden in plain sight. Most people who interact with DV victims are completely unaware, because most people who commit DV are very good at being charming when they want to be and the victims are usually too afraid to let the people around them know.
Considering one of the things they are removing is a talk show that he hosted that lasted for multiple seasons, yeah. kinda.
Tone down the maliciousness a bit, and Trump would be a good inspiration for Alpha Complex’s Friend Computer.
I’m looking forward to running a Shadow of the Weird Wizard game at some point.
Also working on a campaign of “no thank you evil” for my kids.