Do a march on the same route an hour after they finish and say “We are better than them and don’t hate you” do it un masked and see how many people join you.
Do a march on the same route an hour after they finish and say “We are better than them and don’t hate you” do it un masked and see how many people join you.
The book of revelation talks about a flock mislead. That gods followers will be mislead by a false prophet.
Plus said corporations pay I mean lobby for them…
I do
They are responsible for protecting and serving the US constitution at all costs…
The boss has spoken!
I’m beginning to the the 2nd attempt on his life was staged too.
Surprised this is not the onion for once…
Wait people still watch CNN
Mr grab em by the pussy will be your protector…riiiiight
Never play chess with a pigeon, they shit on the board and knock ove randomr pieces claiming they won…
Cheaper TV’s sometimes won’t function without one.
Start buying commercial displays. Cost more but will be about as close to a dumb tv. You will have to provide your own smart device for apps …
Watch out, this may mean he’s going to take the low road a cheat. Regardless VOTE!!!
Watch for what he does and ask why? Notice he’s also trying to make a case for stealing the election. Connect the dots…
Make sure he loses your generation too, VOTE!!!
Well make sure it’s a reality, please remember to VOTE!
Let him crack, your vote is still important. So do it when it’s your time.
Wait, so they are bringing back the Sega channel?