I’ll just assume you didn’t mean to respond to me. In any event, Squadron 42 is completely separate from the main game so I’ll wonder how jinky it might be.
I’ll just assume you didn’t mean to respond to me. In any event, Squadron 42 is completely separate from the main game so I’ll wonder how jinky it might be.
Star Citizen will get a story mode called Squadron 42 witch should be feature complete and it has a star studded Hollywood cast. It looks worthwile but it won’t be here for at least a year.
I used the 1070 Ti for 1440p60 medium settings for some time and now upgraded to a 4070.
Considering that range I think something like a 5700XT or 7600XT should be fine.
If you want to store your map preferences, save the preferences to your account and make sure you’re logged in.
I’m not saying anything like this is preferable or whatever but there’s also little sense in removing all semblance of user experience in favour of removing power from tech giants.
I understand the why of this but this is not an improvement. I suppose search engines should ask you which maps provider you want and then show results based on that.
Nathan Fillion and pretty much anyone he’s in a platonic relationship with in any show.
Like, for instance, with Ryan Reynolds. Although Ryan Reynolds and Richard Ruccolo did pretty well in that show too.
Isn’t Blue Shift the same story but from the eyes of Barney?
It all looks really cool! As someone who has played both Half Life and Satisfactory, I salute you and your epic creation.
How’d you make that laser thing? Is that the somersloop machine?
FYI free now on Epic Games
The illumemenati controls all
You know what I think? There is not really a meme but the meme about the meme is the meme
I used to be an optimist for the implementation of A(G/S)Iafter reading Wait But Why’s explanation of it.
I think AI can have huge positive effects on AI. But the way marketing has ran with it… Everything suddenly needs to have the label even if it doesn’t really qualify. The environmental impact of people doing stupid, unnecessary things with AI is huge. Not to mention societal impact of AI companions.
If AI was designed by any other species than humans, it might’ve been interesting.
No clue about the value of a Canadian dollar but I’ve got a 4070 and I can do a lot of stuff at 1440p far above 60 fps.
AMD will put something like the 7800XT across from that. 7700XT might be in the ballpark but you’ll be upgrading in two years.
You might wait a month or two for the 5xxx series of Nvidia unless you’re really in need.
It might be interesting to have a look at the Intel line-up. Their top of the line might come close to something like a 4060ti.
Which country are you in
Oh yeah I never got into things like tracking my MMR or trying to learn all the crazy stuff that goes on just above my rank. I’m perfectly okay with keeping the ball low and passing to my teammates and having a good game like that. I get super annoyed if my team mates try for the 7th time in one match to do a flip reset and not rotating ever.
If I even play now, I just play a couple of casual games with rando’s or ranked with a friend. After 10 to 15 games I’m completely done.
Champ 2 in 2s currently, it’s pretty much the only thing I play.
Actually I’ve only been playing casual of late, I find the toxicity a bit lower there. You might actually have a couple of decent games with a nice team mate.
But I’ve been playing since it wad kinda new, I was among the ones who had to pay 20 euros just to buy the game on pc. I played it with a DualShock 3 with an XInput wrapper. When I started I didn’t even have a DualShock so I played mouse and keyboard. And I think some of the hours are just having the game open but not playing.
Rocket League, by far. 1500 hours or so.
Hell Let Loose is a pretty active tactical shooter but it’s more tactics than fps