um, my favorite streamer Pirate Software says it is impossible for corporations to provide code to extend the life of anything
um, my favorite streamer Pirate Software says it is impossible for corporations to provide code to extend the life of anything
The UK did that too
They were more comprehensive and generous, but the US did pay reparations to slave owners
um,sweaty,the us DID pay reparations
how were those slaveowners gonna recoup the losses of their property without reparations
Bernie is pushing for what is standard governmental procedures in areas of Europe like France, Germany, Sweden, or Norway
Remember when Apple was demanded to give their cryptographic key to the government to unlock “”“terrorists’ phones”“”
Open Source code for Science/Mathematics/Medicinal related fields 👍
Open Source code for Security/Social Media/Psychological related fields 👎
If “we have to vote trump out of office” is the platform and everything else is immaterial, why not run a more progressive campaign instead of trying to win the vote of people who won’t vote Dem again
If the ‘anti-trump coalition’ consists of people voting entirely to avoid a trump presidency, why does the coalition building only consist of capitulation to the views of the anti-trump republicans
Legit the cheapo plastic screens on the less than $100 phones are the most resilient phones i’ve ever owned
I had a chunk of metal fall on one, and the only thing it did was INDENT the screen, the plastic was soft enough to bend rather than just crack
In a world full of ‘flying boats’, asking why we aren’t also flying is valid
Nobody reasonable is asking for the impossible, we’re asking for what those who are “worse off” financially have
Good faith would be the “vote blue no matter who” and “every vote not for biden is a vote for DRUMPF” crowd
No, the first part and the second part were definitely separate, because regarding the 2nd one chumbos like ol Benny “my wife is a doctor” went on a crusade defending Mr Rogers because Rogers mentions that boys and girls are different
I mean, if by “liberal bias” they mean “they want NPR to continue” I guess it’s technically true, the same way that “Public Broadcasting should continue” also counts as “liberal bias”
I’m like 90% sure I remember Mr. Rogers testifying before Congress to keep PBS a thing, which was met with vitriol by right-wingers
I mean, if you count “active users” of edge, virtually most people are “using” it because it runs on your PC whether you want it to or not.
Modern filesizes generally exist because it makes piracy difficult. In-game there’s no reason to have BMPs, WAVs, or the such, but 500 GBish downloads make transfer and storage a nightmare
Argent Energy is extremely clean but it isn’t ethical, COWARD LIBRALS will complain that it’s made from the eternal tortured souls of the dead
Honestly, I’d rather OpenAI lose this one, and NYT lose later on in a much more embarrassing manner that cuts all the golden parachutes
SCO would be better if you got the same type of scanners as the regular registers
Putting everything from the cart onto a belt, and having access to more than 2-4 sets of bags (or a whole carousel at walmart!) without the dumb “did you scan this?” prompt would make me use SCO every single time. Trying to bag groceries in current SCO is miserable, and the sensors are usually so bad that you CANT EVEN REMOVE FULL BAGS when you need to fill another bag
Back when P2025 hit popularity, I saw like 50 videos of “he doesnt agree with it, he’s doing Agenda 47”