There are zero reasons why Hamas would prevent food and aid being delivered to the people they are fighting for. Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.
There are zero reasons why Hamas would prevent food and aid being delivered to the people they are fighting for. Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.
You know, I really thought that the pandemic might have been the beginning of a paradigm shift. It was a terrible time, but I think a good majority of people were beginning to realize just how insane our world was and we all slowed down for a second and realized that we don’t need to be in the office 5 days a week. Welp, I guess I shouldn’t have been so damn naive. Employers decided that they couldn’t micromanage as efficiently as they wanted and those millions of dollars of real estate weren’t going to pay for themselves. Now it’s amazing how much our “cOmPaNy CuLtUrE” needs improvement or how collaboration just “iSnT aS gOoD” as face to face. Fuck you all, it’s money and control, plain and simple.
Netanyahu says that he will not allow “international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians.” But he sure as shit will keep accepting that international funding to keep up with his genocidal campaign. When the fuck will Biden finally come to his senses and stop all fucking funding for this disgraceful asshat.
And PoE has some of the most expensive cosmetics I’ve seen and even they aren’t as bad as a $30 color variation portal. PoE balances it out because the game is free to play. What’s Diablo’s excuse?
I did not know that. But at the same time, I’m not surprised.
Idk you don’t sound like a random idiot. Makes pretty good sense to me lol
lol did I have it the other way around. Still a cool gesture becuase both parties were pretty bad off.
That makes a lot of sense. I didn’t know Ireland had such strong solidarity with Palestine. I remember a story way back when the potato famine was happening and Ireland sent what little they could to the native Americans. Same story there. An oppressed people in their own homeland by a dominant military power.
It was one of the first things Hitler did. The invasion of Poland in 1939 was a result of the “lebensraum” policy. It means that the German people needed more “living room”, Which is exactly what’s happening in Israel and has been for decades. Fun fact, one of the failures of the US and the allies at the beginning of WW2 was the appeasement policy. They felt like as long as they just gave him what he wants then there won’t be any more problems. I feel like I see a lot of that same BS here as well.
This is just a joke reference from It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia. Put down the pitchforks.
I’ll say this. I use chrome and I KNOW I need to switch to Mozilla. It’s just such a pain to switch that I inevitably go back. Maybe this is the wake up call I need.
Wait. So now they’re bombing official UN humanitarian buildings? If that is not a war crime then what the fuck is? Can’t bring in water pumps or epi pens because “they could be used for other things.” It’s time to call this what it is, collective punishment and ethnic clensing. The US NEEDS to stop funding this extermination.
Because he has the receipt 😂
Zionism is the idea that the Jewish people should have their home in Israel. Almost kind of like manifest destiny thing.
*edit, anti Zionism is the belief that they should not have their home in Israel.
Unfortunately this was done by design. Israel is committing atrocities and the last thing they want is the actual truth of what they’re doing getting out to the world. This is just another one of their “power targets” designed to quake fear into the hearts of their enemy. I’m glad that they are launching an official case for the assignation of a journalist. I really hope it actually goes somewhere.
Dude, I’m in that same boat. So much of my team is remote that when I do come into the office all my meetings are still on zoom. I like how you put it, “I’m arbitrarily in the office”
I’ll say this. What works for you doesn’t always work for everyone else, and I feel like that’s kind of the point. The CEO/CFO cares more about bringing people back to the office than they do about their employees. I hear you, it’s healthy to interact with people, and If that’s what you need awesome. But a lot of other people don’t feel that same way. I think it’s going to take tolerance on both sides for this paradigm shift to be a success.
Yeah, I’m with you. At least make the video private…
I’m so tired of businesses claiming that the only way for a company to be successful is if everyone is in person for the dear dear meetings. We all know exactly what this is about. 1. It’s more dofficult to micromanage employees when a manger can’t constantly observe them, and 2. All the giant real estate investments companies have made is now coming due and they cant fill up their buildings fast enough to get those tax breaks. Why the hell else are they “tracking” people in the office. Meanwhile senior leadership can come and go whenever they see fit. It’s control. Plain and simple.
Do the people in Gaza believe that there is a threat of Hamas destroying/seizing humanitarian aid? No! If anyone is going to stop it or destroy it it’s going to be Israel. The nation that won’t allow “include anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators and water filtration systems.”
It’s worth the read.