Putin probably told Trump to pick somebody that’s lower profile and more destructive.
Putin probably told Trump to pick somebody that’s lower profile and more destructive.
Their sentiment is that these young women should be saving themselves for their future husbands, and if they don’t, they’re whores who are getting what they deserve. It goes towards their belief that a man has a right to a woman because she is less than him.
He’s not smart, his ego just can’t handle everyone, everywhere seeing what a loser he is.
Trump doesn’t care about Christians or Republicans. The deal is, he gets to be the center of attention and above the law. In exchange, he does whatever the Republicans want. He’s too shallow, entitled and stupid to be passionate about anything except his image.
The lord of darkness accepts all, without ceremony or sacrifice.
I don’t think Trump would even retaliate if Putin hit the continental U.S. with a missile strike.