So what does BLM stand for again?
You’ve just offended the Jamaican guy who doesn’t have US citizenship.
Honestly, children should probably be raised by the state anyways. You just don’t know who’s anti-science or indoctrinated with misinformation anymore these days.
BuT tHeY’rE sO WeIrD tHoUgH!
And a dollar costs about tree fiddy!
Hate to break it to you but that’s not how social security works. The money you pay in now is used to pay for the benefits of the currently retired. It is not an investment fund that you are paying into with a guarantee of payments when you retire.
Move along, nothing to see here.
I hope you don’t screw like you type!
OMG, but what about Trump!!
Y Ukraine gotta be making things so hard for Mr. Putin?
Did anyone think that COVID was ever going away?
I don’t think the AI would be able to effectively create new fears to report on.
They wouldn’t be as believable without that human element.
Edit: wouldn’t not would.
Yeah, but Australia isn’t going to detain you for posting a picture of Winnie the Poo on your social media.
They call me Emperor Idiot down at the gun range where I run a class for children. Thank you very much.
Didn’t ask for the help, thanks anyways.
It’s almost as if there is a narrative trying to be pushed regardless of whether it aligns with the facts…
Hopefully it’s on by default and works like the old pop-up-video messages over the video. It should play a sound every time one pops up and then a bubble popping sound when you click on it to close it.
Well, I didn’t intend on voting for Trump but, fine, you’ve convinced me.
What do you know, MAGA was right, Fetterman was not mentally fit to be a Senator.