Private? trump doesn’t even shit in private. Everything he does is meant to go public.
Private? trump doesn’t even shit in private. Everything he does is meant to go public.
She puts out.
At least they’ll have access to health care.
Shit, wait.
They already have heads full of the stuff.
He’s two decades older than plate tectonics being even theorized.
He was born before black people could play in MLB.
Curse you, you Syrup flavored bastid.
If he died in front of 10K people, live on camera, and had a coroner pronounce him dead on the spot, no one there would believe it. It would be an elaborate plan of his to dissappear for a while, regroup, and come back like Jesus, or, an elaborate plan by the damned librels to something something.
Well, I am stupid but in this particular situation I’m being sarcastic.
It’s too soon to politicize this event. We’re sure there will be time later to talk about laws and what can be done but right now what we need is understanding and thoughts and prayers.
After eating ourselves into a heart condition, the nation’s favorite pastime is making stupid people famous.
It’s probably for the lulz I guess. There’s only a few places left on the internet that are decent and good, archive being one, so why not shit all over it? People are so dumb.
“He’s one of the good ones. Well spoken and would own slaves”.
In any other timeline I’d think he would have no chance. But really, how many of is would be really and truly shocked if he won anyway? Surprised? Sure. But actually shocked?
Yes he did. I’d lay a hefty bet that he rehearsed it. Immigrant and the n-word aren’t close enough to flub. Impregnate and Immigrant? Sure. And you can see him smirk. He’s wanted to say this for a long, long time.
Too bad Bruce Willis is in such bad shape these days.
To be fair, any technology you don’t understand can be mistaken for magic. In this case that technology is coherence.
You’re right. His replacement could rally the enitre gop, not just the mouthbreathers.
I mean, he was. Those are his best and brightest.