Just remember to breathe! Else you might blow out your O ring, drop a lung.
Just remember to breathe! Else you might blow out your O ring, drop a lung.
I’m surprised but happy to hear that after the initial wariness(?) of Outlaws, people actually like it. Driving around on a speeder bike did look pretty fun from the trailers.
I bought Sonic Adventure 2 Battle cause I watched Sonic 3 this weekend and it was fucking awesome.
This is the first 3D Sonic game I’ve really played, and I’m having a fun time so far. I’m actually really liking the Chao Garden too.
We heard you like screens, so we made a screen to put on your screen when you’re not looking at the other smaller screen you carry around with you.
Is this honestly necessary? Like really.
It plays fine on my three-four year old rig, with a 2070 Super.
I know it all depends on everything else though.
That’s why a lot of people didn’t engage with the lore of Destiny - you had to go to a website totally separate from the game, link your account old-school Bungie style, and could only access the grimoire cards from said site after you went through the hoops. There was nothing in the game giving you more aside from the NPCs and the few cutscenes themselves. Not even a link to take you to the site from the game itself.
Almost every other game has an in-game lore/info screen talking about the world and characters of the game.
No. I feel like there’s always going to be something that catches my attention.
Who knows, maybe in another 10 years we’ll get a game series that’s on par with the Arkham games, or there will be another Spider-Man series that will get me hyped.
I think that’s part of why you have a backlog.
In all seriousness though, I have a couple lists for like “Workshop” and “Souls like,” otherwise it’s just sorted by what’s installed and most recent.
I do have a favorites list though.
You know you really didn’t have to call me out so viscerally like that.
Well I’d say this isn’t news at all.
That’s honestly pretty fucking wild
If I bought it, fuck em. They (hypothetically) already have my money
Thankfully it was just a layover, but still. Just across town from where it happened.
Damn I literally just landed here
Honestly I’d say most people don’t know what they like until they find it.
I had issues like that on console as well. And yes it was From Soft games. Also Witcher 3.
42" tv with a space of 8’ between you is not super ideal imo. That, or i need glasses.
Sounds like it’ll be like the highways from iRobot.
Nice! The sensitivity is quite high, even when turned down to 0.5, but it works!
Damn I’m literally playing Wildlands now. It’s a really fun game to just drop in if you want to cause some mayhem.