Say that to Muricans and 90% of iPhone ownership.
Say that to Muricans and 90% of iPhone ownership.
Threats should be taken seriously.
Dont want to be shot dead? Dont threaten anyone, especially president
Absolutely nothing except he probably wanted to say I am smart and more privacy conscious and FOSS supporter - houlier than thou attitude.
Yea. This concerns only stupid Americans and their obsessions with bubbles.
Us Asians also do not need stinkin’ RCS. We use WhatsApp.
Hahaha turns out your far left campaign does not bear fruit eh, OP?
At the end of the day, it is about preferenxe. I am Chinese diaspora and have been eating Jasmine more than Basmati since it is not my preference.
Heck even local rice is better.
That one is/will be lost in outer space sooner or later 🤣
Russia imperalist is akin to someone bombing Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan?
India, Indonesia and the rest of non alignment countries do not need to enter this war set up by the West.
I bought Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra for 1100 USD. Sure as hell will I use this for 5 years not just 1 or 2. Ain’t gonna let myself getting robbed.
I just checked, it is amusing. Did the original moderators lock the thread?
Redreader is still working.
There is nothing wrong, it is their informed decisions.
Not to mention it has had severe secuirty issues and irresponsible mods.
HDMI came around four years earlier than Display Port, so one of the reasons is that it has been around longer, therefore allowed mass adoption, first mover advantage.