I personally love the setting/world of a game/movie which is why I tend to read the “what you missed about x” kind of content. its like extra world building, at the same time it keeps the content fresh.
I personally love the setting/world of a game/movie which is why I tend to read the “what you missed about x” kind of content. its like extra world building, at the same time it keeps the content fresh.
forgot call of duty
I can tell you how I learned linux. be prepared to cringe.
I installed Linux before going to school, I figured that if I used Linux as my main OS I would be less tempted to dick around and play games
I eventually found a coop part time job as a dev. I used my own Linux machine, and being the star eyed young person I was I used arch.
this is the cringe part:
I learned systemd, Linux kernel modules, dkpg, obviously more familiarity with bash and shell stuff
so moral of the story is… dive in?
you probably ly don’t suck you just haven’t practiced learning the content blind. it’s a skill set of its own
the last raid sucks specially this late in the tier. my advice is to practice until you get to phase 2 and then start looking for a clear group online, probably using discord
if you don’t look for a group you will likely spend the next few dozen pulls getting griefed by PF
I was extremely lucky and found a 7/8 static when I came around phase 2, I listened to my friends advice to find a group and I locked in with them thext day to clear
so I’m passing that advice to you now
we had a room dedicated for cooking with stoves and stuff, the class also taught how to sew and stuff
it was an elective though
I genuinely thought getting flirted with was going to be a common thing throughout my life, nope, dead ended straight in highschool except for a few odd ones very sparingly between
I was taught cooking in school, graduated in 2014 is that far too long for your “taught anymore”?
there’s nothing about Linux itself that makes the steam game not work. it’s up to he developer to release a binary that supports Linux, most devs who are using tools like unity or unreal probably have the highest realistic chance of making a clean Linux executable
but the way proton works is to use the compiled binary for windows in a way to make it compatible for Linux
nah. it’s what cats do
they get overstimulated and respond to it with aggression
I didn’t do any reading because I’m a bastard but I hope it is Linux or unix like at the very least
edit: damn I kinda wish I knew what it is in this message that really pisses people off
yes but for me every day at work leaves me with no energy on a 9 to 5 so I’d rather have 4 no energy days than 5
this is something I didn’t expect would bother me until it did
growing up I thought “part time” hours meant you could just pick a set of hours and work but that’s “contract work” instead (don’t get me started on time sheets)
and so for full time in thought you get to pick your days or schedule or any, nope, all HR and company policy.
I’d work 4x10s if I could and have a nicer and longer weekend if I could
very cute
my tech background has always been the coal mines of doing coding problems
if it’s the random dude on Twitter and this is a classic Twitter article then it’s likely a big nothing burger.
some dude on Twitter has been spouting that he’s a big security expert but last I looked at the tweets I was not convinced of anything
lots of words and no evidence
I don’t think I saw this mentioned but you’re are all aware that you can press “U” and it will select United States, right ?
at this point in genuinely not sure if America is ready to elect a woman or a minority any time soon
obama’s run was fantastic though. mitt romney had the charisma of an urinal cake
don’t think I’ll live long enough to see something like that happen again
I don’t care. do you ?
If I was old I’d simply say: Old age begone!