Huh. It’s almost like history is written by the victor.
Huh. It’s almost like history is written by the victor.
Lmao this isn’t small claims court. Those people were straight up murderer from long distance with missiles that American tax dollars very likely paid for.
Fuck this company. Fuck these ghouls making this decision.
This is easily the most badass form of piracy I’ve ever seen. The right kind of rebellion.
But how can you sleep at night knowing that there are people living their lives in a way that doesn’t affect anyone else!
Quick! The people are rebelling against the genocide that we’re committing!
Better bring out ol faithful to divide the people: gender politics.
Gives a whole new meaning to “vote or die”.
Ding ding ding!
They started seeing everyone posting on social media that they’re not voting to support us paying for a genocide.
Just had to wait for there to be 30,000 Palestinian deaths first.
9/11 had 2,996 deaths for a little bit of context. Just imagine what would be happening right now if there were 30,000 dead Americans.
In this economy?
It definitely has plenty of flaws, but the good things heavily outweigh the bad.
I mean just the shear scope of that game is crazy. It’s very ambitious .There are so many dialog options. I’ve tried to explore as much as I can in my first playthrough but I can tell there’s a lot of content that I’ve missed.
Can’t wait to do a second run.
Maintaining the status quo in the face of looming danger does not make you a great president.
The best thing about Biden is that he is not Trump.
Also we’re not only supporting a genocide, we’re footing the bill.
When have you ever seen a petition change a single thing? You really think that signing names on a piece of paper would be sufficient to take down the Monarchy?
You realize how naive that is at best, right?
Whaaaaat that’s so crazy and completely unexpected from a guy with a huge history of killing political opponents.
Ok but a wheelchair would be dumb when you could just get some enchanted armor.
As long as it’s an Ultra Premium Design
What about my anecdote seems like a lie? And why the hell would I make up such a pedestrian story?
Huh? These days you can get banned for saying just about anything. I got banned from r/justiceserved the other day for commenting something slightly pro Palestine. Fucked up thing is that I posted that comment in a completely different sub.
Yeah well, they’re not white and not making us money so our government doesn’t care.
I don’t believe this at all, but they’re still gonna have to make a really, really good single player mode for me to get this game. I’m not trying to play online constantly and I’m not trying to pay a bunch of micro transactions.
I’m still pretty annoyed at how they left all of the features that make GTA what is for only online play. GTA 4 had such an awesome story and dynamic world with so many interesting characters.
GTA 5 just felt empty in comparison. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m just here for story mode.
That’s exactly it. That’s what the DNC tried to sell us on with Biden the first time around: a return to the status quo, despite the fact that our status quo is fucked and is killing us.
This time they’re trying to do what they did with Hilary back in '16: mock and shame us into voting. “He’s not Trump” truly is their only selling point.
Nothing is going to get better under these Democrats. They want to tell you that things will get worse for vulnerable groups if you don’t vote for them, but all that they are really doing is continuing to use the same social issues they’ve been using to divide to now control us. Things have already gotten worse for vulnerable groups under this administration.
Donald Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the DNC, and they don’t actually want him to go away. If he’s gone, who will their boogie-man be?