Should your unpaid mortgage follow you for the rest of your life? Should losing your job and not getting another one fast enough to keep up with your mortgage mean that you are indebted fo the rest of your life?
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Should your unpaid mortgage follow you for the rest of your life? Should losing your job and not getting another one fast enough to keep up with your mortgage mean that you are indebted fo the rest of your life?
Don’t forget the $8k annual tax bill that goes along with that already unaffordable house. I grew up near the area and love to visit but it’s a hard place to get by for what it is, if that makes sense
There is no goddamned way UHC doesn’t pressure the prosecutor to drop this to avoid that recording going public because half the jury will be left with the same sentiment when they hear it. And when it is public they will have a lot more to deal with.
If this woman’s lawyers are smart they call the bluff and say “why yes, let’s get this out into trial, use discovery to add context, and play that recording”. There’s law, justice, but the most important thing sometimes when the moment is right is perception.
How does it not mitigate the danger? You are putting a secure web server in front of the tunnel rather than basically all traffic being forwarded to the port?
It’s probably a bit dangerous to expose your internal network in this way. If you really want a server running at home, there are interesting services which provide that for a fee, or you could set up a “reverse ssh proxy”.
It’s easier to do on some flavor of Linux, but you will set up a background service to ssh to a cloud server you rent, which links a local port on the cloud server to a local port on your home computer. You can then run a web service like caddy server on the cloud server to securely serve this port.
I realize this sounds rather complex, but something to look into and learn.
Your Caddyfile on the cloud server will look something like this: {
reverse_proxy / {
encode gzip
And the service on your local will look something like this:
Description=Keeps a reverse tunnel to '<your cloud server ip>' open on port 8081 on the remote server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -N -M 10986 -o "PubKeyAuthentication=yes" -o "PasswordAuthentication=no" -o "ExitOnForwardFailure=yes" -R 8081: root@<your cloud server ip> -i <path to your ssh key> -p 2097
ExecStop=/bin/kill $MAINPID
You will have to allow ssh on a non standard port (arbitrarily 2097 here), that way you can still use ssh on the standard port 22. I have some services running like this through a NAT for years.
Regarding election of a minority, I think this country would elect an Arab American before a woman. Anecdotally, talking to right leaning voters who really had no great feeling for trump, the theme came up again and again “how can a woman go toe to toe with Putin or the Saudis?” “Will generals listen to her?”.
Thauts n’ prairs
There is nothing alarmist about raising the alarm when one candidate wants to bring back the spoils system to give regulatory power to the world’s richest man, and leadership of some of the most important health organizations in the world to an anti-science, disturbed individual who mutilates roadkill. It is objectively alarming when a candidate for leadership of the most powerful military complex in history cozies up to dictators and admits that he would like to be a dictator, just for one day. This candidate himself will be serving a final term and has displayed questionable mental health, and is facing significant criminal and civil liability and therefore has nothing to lose.
Make no mistake, this election is between more of the same, with many of the negatives it implies, and an inflection point in world history the likes of which we have not seen since perhaps 1985.
Spot on, this is my otherwise nice neighbors line of thinking.
currently depends on having a working-age population that is large enough to support the non-working population
This is only a problem if production does not increase dramatically, as it has for the last century. The reason it feels like there are insufficient working people is because parasites siphon from the resource distribution between more and more productive workers and their non working counterparts
Confidence is indistinguishable from correctness if you lack competence and experience. Now in addition to the competent and experienced having to interpret the requirements and do the work, they must also sift through half baked AI solutions.
MBA consultant:
Increase the ratio to 35 kids per teacher, add in a minimum wage helper to assist, and have an intern work reception while building the website. Extra services are subscription add ons.
Id go so far as to say SaaS in general. Small startups are paying $5000/month to send emails and we’ve come to the point where inboxes are monopolized and if you don’t pay up to a cloud provider your emails end up in spam.
Take this and repeat for everything. Monopolize, ratchet up the costs, profit.
Windows phone 10 had most of these things in 2015
It would have deposited the funds in an account “foobar123” and been lost forever
I’m in the market, and the answer is kinda, for non Teslas. I do a road trip up the east coast a few times a year and the Tesla will reliably add about 4 30 minute stops on each half of the trip. A non Tesla also requires four stops, but they could be anywhere from 20 minutes best case to 1 hr plus, depending on the availability and status of the unreliable chargers.
A lucid with 400 miles of true range would probably cut it down to two stops, but I don’t have $140k
I experienced this too, and landed at a smart company that paid me for the time I spent on the take home project. Yes, it’s less money than I might earn at a more prestigious company who abused my time, but I’ve also successfully selected for a company that has a good working environment.
They have an engineer for probably 30% less than what I demanded from another company with a dumb hiring practice. The dumb company was willing to give me the money too, but I was annoyed with their process so I told them I would not work for them unless they put a four day work week in my offer.
I’d spend $600 on a 2023 windows phone
They will still ask him to invert a binary tree, just to be sure he can code
If you have direct university loans you will be unable to retrieve your diploma until they are paid.