Me wondering why I cant see anything, I blocked twitter at my router lol. I guess I’ll have to wait till Bl4 comes out to see the font if all the chatter about it is on that site.
Me wondering why I cant see anything, I blocked twitter at my router lol. I guess I’ll have to wait till Bl4 comes out to see the font if all the chatter about it is on that site.
Didnt we learn anything from the 2000 era “alien autopsy”???
Funny how more religion didnt turn this guy into a better person, …seems to have had the opposite effect in fact. Might be a lesson in there for all of us.
nextcloud talk
Hey trump, why not give your “proof” to a court of law? Where it might actually be useful?? I mean what good is it showing your evidence to faux “news” viewers?? What are they gonna do, they cant get your out of an indictment.
Youre stuck on Windows Im afraid, and Im pretty sure Adobe will never make a linux port
bout fcking time, I have been reporting fake medical channels to them for literally 10 years and as far as I can tell nothing has been done. But the bad news is that these con artist criminals will just move all their quack content to another video site, and there are plenty to chose from.
Reminds me of that meme where a cartoon character is in the fridge stuffing his mouth and the top caption reads “anti-gay preachers when no one is looking” And then the bottom caption reads “COCK”
The damage caused by the christion nationalist takeover of the supreme court will take literally generations to undo, if it ever can be undone.
Just a general rule of thumb there little guy, when it comes to anything political if you find the nazis are on your side, you are on the wrong side.
Ive decided not to block him so I can follow him around annoying him and downvoting everything he says
If Putin is at the end of a rope soon, then Im all for it
Out of the box I would say Debian needs a fair amount of work after installation before it is an easy to use desktop OS.
I would seriously look a a distro that is a little more desktop oriented like Mint.Straight Debian needs a lot of work after installation before its really nice as a desktop solution, out of the box it does make a great server however.
Its a cult, and cults always end the same way no matter how big they get.
Racism is not open for debate, if someone is racist then they are excluded from the topics of politics and human rights. And being a racist does not give someone a personality either. The far right cannot handle those facts.
Im just going to put this out there, if you enable any criminal to commit more crimes, then you are culpable for the crimes he commits. The same goes for supporting any political candidate who commits crimes, you are supporting those crimes as well, including all past and present and future crimes.
I have no problem with criminal who have paid their debt to society and are generally repentant of what they have done… so once donny has done his time and publicly repents for the crimes he committed, then I’ll be fine with him too and his supporters.
If thats the case then they still are not able to do it even with the delay cuz they havent blocked me yet