And the word “vagina” is Latin for scabbard
And the word “vagina” is Latin for scabbard
We had pandemic response teams stationed in high risk areas around the world, including the Wuhan wet markets. Epidemiologists have been saying for decades that it was only a matter of time before we’d get hit by a pandemic, so we opened labs in those high risk areas to detect potential epidemics quickly and quarantine them before they could spread around the world.
Trump shut a bunch of them down to “save money” (also because it was something Obama did). Lo and behold, COVID swept the world almost immediately after. The pandemic was literally his fault.
Better yet, spread horrid disinformation about your elected officials on social media.
I got Kim to dance with me in the church in Disco Elysium
Then simple question, why not use First Gentleman?
Because we’ve never actually had a First Gentleman, so the term isn’t familiar. This is a scenario where strict accuracy muddles the rhetoric beyond recognition, which defeats the purpose.
You’re speaking with a lot of confidence about the validity of the feelings of a group of people
When did I say anything about the validity of anyone’s feelings?
I don’t think you, or the people you’re claiming to represent, understand the joke. First Lady Musk refers to Trump, not Elon. The implication isn’t that it’s demeaning to be a woman or queer, but that the spouse of the President has no real power or authority. This has nothing to do with their gender, and everything to do with the fact that they are the unelected spouse of an elected official.
The only ones who benefit when you misinterpret things in a way that implies unintended and unsubstantiated bigotry, are those who can use it to reinforce their claims of a misguidedly hypersensitive left, and thereby undermine justified recognition of intended and substantiated bigotry.
Must’ve been confusing to the Romans
I assumed big crisp topiaries.
I don’t think you need millions getting billions to equal all the Bobs. If there are 50 million Bobs getting $1500, you only need about 40 corporations getting $2B to exceed them.
Assuming there’s not some new thing:
The recent US general election was, as usual, a face-off between the two predominant parties. The incumbent party, while nominally being the relative “left” party, continued the unbroken support the US has provided to Israel since its conception, despite recent genocidal activity. There are some who insisted that, while that support is reprehensible and isn’t representative of the will of the left, the alternative party would be just as bad for Palestine while also being worse by most other metrics (including LGBTQ+ rights).
There are some who suggest that those insisting such a thing are shills or intelligence agents, logging into niche leftist spaces to manufacture tepid consent, rather than individuals expressing genuine concerns.
Obviously, but the cartoon has a contextual canon, and in that canon management has established a baseline, and continues to take measurement.
One of my favorites
Metrics are also measured. The statistics referenced have to come from recording activity.
Two things can be true
Precedence was established in the landmark case FA v. FO
And there’s a big difference between not living paycheck to paycheck, and being able to save $1k/mo
About a century before, Merriam-Webster cites the first recorded use in 1928.
But if you only just now seize them, the rich still have all the money and personal property they already accumulated.