Eh I’m open to getting a little stupid. Hmu
Counterpoint: if he becomes a political prisoner, a ton of libs get radicalized
Bahahaha that’s one way to speedrun a financial crisis I suppose.
Let’s commission a study!
Oh…politically, they mean
American copyright law? Basically every research institution in America pays them lots of money for electronic subscriptions in order to not get sued. Like academics don’t give a fuck and will use scihub or email a friend or whatever but their institution will just subscribe to a plausible number of things to avoid drawing the attention of the publishers. For profit research like pharma or industrial chem are even more buttoned up because they are much juicier targets for potential IP suits.
Neither would we if we had more trains…
Why did they dress this muppet up as a soldier?
Well for the first several hundred years they actually produced a product that they mailed to people and that took employees and infra that the various unis didn’t care to have (with some exceptions for university presses like Oxford and Cambridge). Now it’s 100% momentum and branding. You publish in Science because that’s the impressive one for Science.
Yeah I mentally expected compact car size because they kind of look like those angular shitboxes from the 90s. I think they were geos? But they’re like twice as big and four times as shitty.
I can’t believe people work for that rag. I’d tell people I made a living slinging coke or something honest.
Except a prime minister is typically not only elected by their constituents, but also elected by their party to be prime minister, right? So not at all then.
Yep! Mine has really made me up my veggie intake. Never knew I liked chard hahahaha
If you can find a CSA, I highly recommend getting as many groceries from there as possible. Usually you pay up front so your price gets locked in for the summer.
No shit. Turns out being the world’s richest failson is not a super useful skill? Who knew?
Gotta isolate the bad press to the obvious turd even though I bet they all have a similar system with similar flaws
Still better outcomes than being born a Christian Scientist
If the alternative is cost prohibitive and you have no insurance or some fascist wants to prevent certain people from certain types of care, I think the point is pretty moot. I’m assuming efficacy would be directly related to the skill and knowledge of your cook, just like meth.
For real. Dr Oz as one out of 100 senators vs Dr oz as HHS sec or whatever.