• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I think basically we agree with each other. Using and exploiting children (or adults) is bad, depictions of sex can be done well and can be good.

    The reason I feel differently about this particular movie is perhaps because I saw it without knowing anything about the shooting and it felt like a very good take on the story (including the sex scene - the fact they had sex was crucial even in the original play, no matter how it was portrayed at the time). The way Zeffirelli behaved makes me sick though.

    Also I don’t view the story as being about a toxic codependent relationship, more like being about innocent horny teens betrayed by the power games and complete incompetence of the adults around them. They are really just teenagers trying to navigate their own new needs and feelings, just like it usually is at that age.

    My comment about sex positivity was not meant to say all depictions of sex are or should be positive. I wanted to say sex positivity is needed for the society to view sex depictions as something normal, not necessarilly automatically pornographic or straight out taboo.

    As for the overall direction the conversation went, well, the post was about the death of an actress and most comments were about her teenage boobs - that’s the internet for you.

    I appreciate your view of Pretty Baby and Lolita - these are films that are quite hard for me to watch and I agree they’re great examples of movies with meaningful sex scenes. I also think many people would call them child porn without thinking twice about it (and they would be very wrong).

  • I don’t think you understood what I was trying to say. I said I think child actors should not be exploited for artistic purposes. Ever. I think we both agree with that, right?

    I don’t find anything wrong about depicting a sex scene with a minor as a character if it makes sense artistically though (which is the case of R&J). There are ways to film it without including unconsenting or minor actors (or both).

    I think of art as a form of complex communication and I think it’s important to communicate even about hard, painful and taboo topics.

    I also think porn is not a bad thing, so sex positivity is not connected to not being pornographic in my mind.

  • That was me. I think this discourse is important. Is every sex depiction necessarily porn? I don’t think so. I think sex can be depicted in art and media for other than pornographic purposes and it’s ok to do so. But it shouldn’t be done by assholes like Zeffirelli, let’s agree at least on that.

    I never found the scene in R&J pornographic, it spoke to me in the way the narrative should go - young people fall in love and consume their relationship. I felt happy for them, but not turned on. If anyone IS turned on by some scenes, that’s ok too, everyone has different triggers I guess, and it can’t be helped. The fact that, let’s say, a view of an actress’s feet or an actor’s arms turns some people on doesn’t mean these things shouldn’t be depicted.

  • I know, right? I don’t think sex scenes are inherently bad. I also don’t think consensual sexuality in young (or old) people is inherently bad and I don’t think it’s depiction in movies is inherently bad. Let’s say my view of mutually consenting sex is very positive.

    It’s the way the actors may be treated by their on-set superiors and by the general public in today’s society that’s making me worried, not the content itself. I think making this kind of movies should be possible without danger for the actors and the way to make it possible is striving for a more tolerant, more sex positive society that is more relaxed in the naked body department.

    It’s just boobs.

  • Ok, I do agree with your view of Zeffifelli.

    Just because of the dare at the end and despite me not being a downvoter, let me try and play the devil’s advocate for the “showing a minor’s breasts in a movie” thing.

    Let’s strive for a society that doesn’t view a human naked body as something needlessly and automatically sexual (Shakespear or not). Women and girls should not be ashamed and afraid to show their breasts because of people sexualizing (and potentially attacking) them. A naked body, no matter the gender or age, is just a body. People should not feel they have to cover any part of it to be safe. (Let’s also note the extent of covering needed is rather culture-specific.)

    I wish I could look at the scene and feel moved by Julia’s youth and her first experience of love (I feel Julia’s young inexperienced sexuality is portrayed well in the movie and it doesn’t feel gratuitous) without fearing for the safety and well-being of the actress.