It’s everyone’s fault. We both know it.
Btw i specifically said : anyone not voting for Harris. Including POSSIBLY those demographics
It’s everyone’s fault. We both know it.
Btw i specifically said : anyone not voting for Harris. Including POSSIBLY those demographics
Not only are we in the worst timeline…
I actually don’t have anything to add.
How did we get here? And even more terrifying how many people that actually went to go vote were surprised that Biden wasn’t on the ticket?!?!
And let me just go ahead and get myself in trouble. Fuck you every single person that didn’t vote for Kamala Harris that was eligible.
Well I guess I don’t want to get in trouble that bad.
Yes, this is the fucking bullshit we live with. Due to our winner-take-all insanely backwards system…
I’m not technically allowed to properly criticize whomever didn’t show up to the polls.
Whatever groups they may or may not belong to.
Yeah I’m sounding like a motherfucking Maga bitch right now…
But guess what Arab Americans and black men??!?!!? ( if and only if those are demographics that didn’t show up to vote )
Get completely and totally fucked by the Trump administration. Has nothing to do with me and everything do with them
For what it’s worth I’m terribly sorry for not including the Latino vote that went to Trump
Ultimately it doesn’t really matter which particular demographic I blame because the truth is I’m not blaming anyone in particular.
Fuck America, fuck me, and fuck Trump
I think I’m just trying to convince myself…
But it’s not over yet. Lots of votes to be counted still
You are correct
But also there was that recent supreme Court ruling that basically makes the US president a king
So anything Biden ( or any elected president ) does as president is completely and totally sanctioned by the US supreme Court
The Overton window in the US has shifted so far to the right we literally had the supreme Court say the president cannot commit a crime…
It won’t be done not because it’s fascist. But because the Democratic party doesn’t want to play with the modern political ruleset
Thank you for posting
Very important that ppl pay attention
Yeah I mean I’ve had minor edits reversed because I didn’t source the fact properly
And that was like 10 years ago I’m surprised these edits are getting through in the first place
Yep I watched it and I really liked it
I disagree?
Very strongly as well
Highly recommend the book, much more than the show.
No worries if you haven’t had a chance to read yet…
I read the book at least 10 years ago, want season one of the show when it came out.
It’s a good adaptation but man, it just doesn’t hit quite the same as the book.
I am completely convinced that people who say LLMs should not be used for coding…
Either do not do much coding for work, or they have not used an LLM when tackling a problem in an unfamiliar language or tech stack.
It is completely impossible to argue with people like you. What solutions do you propose ?
Kids getting cocky.
Standard power fantasy stuff but I’m enjoying it.
Until this episode, I disliked that term for this show. Idunno, I like it when the protagonist actually fails now and then.
Hey man! I’ve read this article a few times, perhaps from other comments on Lemmy!
Thanks for the write-up. I’m a programmer myself.
Stuck in operations in my new job until we’re done with the data center exit/ migration. Anyway cool beans, and very interesting article. Will keep all this in mind if any of my hobby projects take off.
Daft Punk for the Honda Tron Remix 2.0 album or gtfo
Thankfully, it seems like places like the EU and now Japan are considering ALL use cases, not just the majority of them.
To be fair though the article kind of sucks.
He’s not being held in a hospital for life, he’s being held indefinitely. Which is absolutely the correct decision considering his abilities and record of hacks
The fact that VS code runs on JavaScript is its strength not its weakness.
But you do you, like I said.
Edit: to the other person, whom I realized is just joking
My point stands, I guess?
Just use VSCode ffs.
Also, yes I endorse VSCode wholeheartedly but do whatever works for you.
Notepad++ is fine for the vast majority of people.
Hey listen thanks for the write-up
I read every word up until the final summary regarding gaming historian which I just skimmed
Yeah me personally I never had that sense of freedom with Mario games specifically…
I think my introduction to this feeling was Oblivion. It was the first game I had on Xbox 360
And I couldn’t get one at lunch but my dad paid somebody $100 extra and I was able to get a console eventually.
That unfettered sense of freedom was so present for me when I played Oblivion. My first place it was annoyed then as a red guard and eventually of course Khajit stealth archer.
You have coin!!! Because KHAJIT has wares…