Maybe saying you’re quitting meta is “virtue signalling” but actually quitting is virtuous.
Maybe saying you’re quitting meta is “virtue signalling” but actually quitting is virtuous.
I’ll always remember the time I saw a fox do this irl. Cutest / coolest thing ever.
Good on her. Hadn’t heard of but listening to her music now and will be supporting her.
If laws don’t matter anymore I guess that means we can all just do whatever the hell we want.
Oh another CEO got Luigi’d? Oh well.
How could anyone have ever predicted this?
6/10 are either Nazis or have their heads in the sand.
A normal Jewish person with a basic sense of morality and justice and not a genocidal monster? Clearly that’s an antisemite.
Yes we need a revolution, and killing Elon and other billionaires and rich assholes will need to be a part of that.
We’ve tried peaceful change but the rich buy up elections and make protest illegal, so they made violent revolution the only option left.
God neoliberals are pathetic.
He needs to be killed by any means necessary. He is the single greatest threat to humanity. Whoever gets him will be a hero to humans everywhere. This shouldn’t be a controversial thing to say.
Horrifying, yet I can’t stop looking.
You don’t fucking say.
Lmao still got his human shield.
It doesn’t matter to him. All he knows that he’s a Dark Enlightenment fascist white supremacist. The poors and non-whites must die. Fascist governments must be in power everywhere so he can have his world where he is king, he has robots to do his bidding and can try to live forever.
In general right wingers / fascists are completely non-sensical and contradictory in their ideology and actions.
Not at first. The first tasks would be making sure all are housed, fed, and can lead decent lives where work is meaningful and necessary.
But even while that’s going on we would have a great number of people who would be better off doing minimum work and pursuing other interests. Much of the “work” under capitalism is just detrimental to ourselves and our environment.
Space travel would become meaningful and achievable again as it would not need to find a reason to be profitable. We would free to combine our global resources, to share technology and pursue space travel for the simple pursuits of exploration and survival.
It would actually inspire many people to pursue and take an interest in Space travel when they’re not forced to live as slaves doing meaningless jobs building plastic trinkets or figuring out how to get money out of people on mindless phone games.
And the goal would not just be for some competing companies to stick flags on rocks or mine asteroids to make more useless trinkets.
So I think it would become a great focus as we’d no longer be toiling just to live another day and would be asking greater questions about our place in the universe.
He was also a Zionist. His Twitter account was saying how lucky some Syrians were to now be part of Israel.
Go Ireland! 🇮🇪 🫱🏻🫲🏽 🇵🇸 Good, brave people.
So very much American.