Arch: I need reproducible setups. Also bleeding edge is not for me.
I have to give credit to their documentation though!
Arch: I need reproducible setups. Also bleeding edge is not for me.
I have to give credit to their documentation though!
What put me off selinux is that the officially documented way of generating a new policy is to run a service unconfined, and then generating the policy from its behaviour. This is backwards on so many levels… In contrast policy-based admission control in kubernetes is a delight to use, and creating new policies is actually doable outside of a lab.
That’s impossible, we know Anakin is Luke’s dad and Obi-Wan told Luke that Vader killed him.
That’s s good trick.
Take a machine with Linux preinstalled. Will it run Linux without problems? Yeah, of course.
Take a machine with Windows preinstalled. Will it run Linux without problems? Check the list.
data centers
recharge while the computer is off
I don’t know of many data centers that don’t run their servers 24/7
Configure port forwarding for the VM.
In that case gpaste (if you use Gnome). Before that parcellite was my preference, but around the transition to Wayland things broke for me.
Selection buffer.
Unless you mean clipboard manager, in which case it’ll depend on your desktop environment.
Consistency with their previous default desktop environment, Unity.