After a long-running blogpost holywar between Telegram and Signal, I perceive these “security experts” as Signal/Telegram shills depending on their stance
After a long-running blogpost holywar between Telegram and Signal, I perceive these “security experts” as Signal/Telegram shills depending on their stance
Russians having their flashbacks of the main war propaganda network in their homeland
Ah, sorry! Have noticed it a bit after posting my comment, that’s why it’s deleted. Yeah, you were only a mod of !, but not the support one. And thanks for your participation on vlemmy and your help to newbies like me.
I am not sure how to proceed, to be honest.
I had a small community, ! (see cache). It had its issues, like low # of posts and comments made by anyone but me, but I could see people starting engaging bit by bit and if I was to write more, the community would be able to compete with its kbin counterpart. Aaaand bam.
Now I’m thinking of where I could move to. ! is semi-dead and is run by a person who I believe to be a squatter who had occupied a lot of communities and called them “placeholders until the reddit mods evacuate”. If I am correct, then I’m not sure if I really like the idea of participating in a community run by a squatter.
Probably I should settle somewhere else.
Weren’t you on pyarra’s admin team? I remember the person with the same nickname as yours being in charge of ! and !
If so, it sucks even other admins haven’t been notified about what’s happening.
I was moderating my small community on vlemmy, and have posted several markdown-heavy things I would like to back up in case I were to move instances. Gladly, that was possible with cache (for everything but pics).
Which carries a spoon and looks French