I feel like Michigan is a bit too swingy for that, they went red again (by a small margin) last election. I would really like it tho, it would make visiting my in-laws feel a bit less daunting.
I feel like Michigan is a bit too swingy for that, they went red again (by a small margin) last election. I would really like it tho, it would make visiting my in-laws feel a bit less daunting.
Because he was elected in a landslide victory, the greatest victory of all time, the best result of a republican and the majority vote and people’s confidence is behind him /s.
I agree, they’re being way too wimpy about it, arrest him now. You know that all this will instantly disappear the second he becomes president so if you don’t act now you’ve really let down your country.
Deservedly so. No-fly zones exist for a reason and many, many people just don’t care about that stuff. Where I live there’s a lot of them and I regularly see people fly drones there.
I wish they were more strict about fining people here as well, we have an ambulance chopper stationed close by and I don’t even want to imagine it colliding with a drone and crashing in a densely populated neighborhood.
It literally felt like a rehash of the first one. I understand that that’s probably the point of the show but it made it really weird to watch, especially since I rewatched season 1 just before season 2 came out. There’s multiple times where characters even pretty much say the same thing as the characters from season 1 did.
I can’t believe there’s that many deaths on a yearly basis because of that. I’m a leftie but I’ve never had any issues with tools except scissors. Guess I gotta be careful with those from now on.
Man that title really read like an Onion article at first glance, crazy how that’s a real news story.
I’d like to believe he started off with good intentions (might just be bias based on media coverage from before) and slowly turn to the dark side. It’s crazy what money (and the promise of influence) does to a narcissist.
I heard someone say the other day that he kinda looks like Matt Gaetz. After they said that it’s all I can see. You could even say he’s Fatt Gaetz…
Oh, must no longer be a problem now that he left /s
And once that’s done, continue with every republican voter, starting with the ones with signs and shrines in their yards.
I think hurting his ego also hurts him, just look at the amount of people that get banned from X for doing it.
Bibi moment
I saw a post about that the other day, it showed a map of all the states with populations smaller than LA county. Almost every single red state was highlighted. Really shows you how silly the electoral college system is.
I agree with you that it’s systemic. If I look around me (I live in NL but I also see it across the border), people have just become more right-leaning. Talking about foreigners like they’re the problem, blaming them for stuff, it’s all part of “normal” conversation to them now. This really changed a lot the last 5-10 years, before that there was maybe the occasional nut job but everyone else was pretty moderate.
If anything, being locked in their houses for so long and the (at times pretty intense) discourse around getting vaccinated is what drove a big wedge between groups of people that were before able to discuss things in a somewhat civilized way. I don’t think Putin had much to do with that but he sure profited from it.
Yeah, might as well close down the ICC then I guess. Not much use for it if governments do whatever they want anyway.
The high ranking dems don’t care about people, they’re rich people that are slightly less right-wing. That’s the only difference between them and the more “regular” Republicans. The stuff Trump is gonna push will most likely only hit the middle and lower class, which they’re not a part of. Therefore they don’t give a shit.
I mean, they’re just gonna go from genocide Joe to genocide convicted criminal Donald so not much of an upgrade there.
It sounds compelling but like the article states at the end, I’m not sure if it’s going to change much. The DNC are way too timid to even consider challenging on something like this and the 2020 shenanigans have soured a lot of people on the “election fraud” claims.
If you put your tinfoil hat on you could even say that this was part of their tactic: make false claims to annoy everyone only to then commit fraud yourself later. It would he an almost perfect plan.
They are getting behind her though, any video I’ve seen talking about her history with Russia, China and Syria is getting inundated with Trumpers yelling that it’s leftist propaganda and shouting that “they didn’t start talking about it until she became a republican”. It’s ridiculous and there’s no argument that would convince these people otherwise.
Noo but didn’t you learn anything from that right wing piece of shit in France that died? You’re not supposed to celebrate people dying according to other politicians /s