Common dreams isn’t really that kind of site. It’s a political blog at best.
Common dreams isn’t really that kind of site. It’s a political blog at best.
Someone with bad decision making skills? Wanted to go out into the desert and light shit on fire maybe?
People forgetting Biden is Catholic, and Catholicism is pretty anti-death penalty.
Yeah, it seems weird that a government of a country that one is a citizen of can choose to have you killed. But assisted suicide is illegal.
Sorry, I was making a joke, similar to the point of PC, as if I couldn’t be bothered to read the comment they were replying to.
Did the parent comment make some kind of evidence based claim? What did it say?
What we need is Sacha Baron Cohen to somehow get Trump on camera, saying Epstein will be a nominee for something.
“Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.”
Keep shooting until the justices find him guilty
In an Islamist government, making a nation, who is openly hostile to their Muslim population, a major trader partner may not play well.
Remember: the presidency ages people. How long would he be president?
Oddly, this is something that didn’t seem to happen to Trump. We all know why of course, he didn’t actually do the job of being President.
As funny as it is, I think really that is where it can stop. Someone abhorrent said they support someone, that person said, no. No means no.
This isn’t that strange, politicians are often accused of contextual bigotry. It’s more often applied to the right (because it’s more often to be likely).
As someone in the industry, every organization has to balance cost to benefits. If it costs $10k to intercomnect two low priority systems vs having each person have to double enter, they’re gonna prioritize higher priority things.
Good on Trump to recognize proper pronouns and treat her like the gender she prefers by objectifying her.
True, however worst thing they could do is impeach him and make Kamala President.
Because they operate in bad faith and cannot be trusted.
So I guess every reaction and review on the internet that is ad supported or behind a payroll is theft too?
I’d say that her bonus payout to her tour staff shows that isn’t the case.
Is no job safe from those damn immigrants?