you can’t make a tomlette without cracking a few Greggs
you can’t make a tomlette without cracking a few Greggs
they are fine. they are the hegemon at the moment. many of the underclass don’t understand why they are suffering.
new days new words. has always been this way. it’s just a sign you are old. join the club of grumpy old people. we still use all the old 90s words that pissed out parents off.
sure. none of these are really significant though are they?
which will be the proof that Dems want to seize power.
in this case you would imagine that it would be easy to show an organised anti war, pro peace movement in Israel?
which is why they are spending so much. it’s a good sign in some ways.
Like the US?
once you get rid of the filthy undesirables it might be.
It’s going to be really tough for the next government to get out of this hole. god forbid the labour party don’t manage to make significant steps within one term.
Cause then we might get Farage and his ilk
Also known as the people of Israel
Thanks Hasbra
some people do deserve a ruddy good shinning
the internet gives harbour for the shinned. allows them to reinforce the behaviour and probably amplify the behaviour.
would these numbers make any difference to the way you communicate with people?
problem for me also
there was also a group already in the area referred to as the Philistines. a young David is rumoured to have killed Goliath.
I suppose that was ops point